Home Holdings and Collections Researching genealogy and family history Keith Matthews Name Files, 1500-1850 Records: C
Records: C
Surname | File Number |
| |
| C104 |
Cable | C652 |
| C071 |
| C001 |
Cadbury | C575 |
Cadd | C578 |
| C109 |
| C020 |
| C002 |
Cadin | C365 |
| C094 |
| C085 |
Cadwell | C655 |
Cady/Caddy | C020 |
| C003 |
| C004 |
| C005 |
Cake | C639 |
| C108 |
| C100 |
| C006 |
| C007 |
Calfe | C008 |
| C095 |
| C101 |
Calisbury | C633 |
| C011 |
| C009 |
| C096 |
| C099 |
Callendar | C612 |
| C010 |
Callinan | C616 |
| C066 |
| C056 |
| C062 |
| C067 |
| C012 |
| C022 |
| C088 |
Came | C024 |
Cameron | C013 |
Cammell | C014 |
Camp | C073 |
Campbell | C023 |
Camping/Campion/ Camption | C015 |
Campus | C077 |
Canaghan | C574 |
Canary | C772 |
Canavan | C565 |
Canby | C068 |
Canday | C061 |
Candell | C179 |
Candish | C682 |
Candler | C107 |
Candow | C524 |
Cane | C004 |
Canfield | C525 |
Canfill | C090 |
Canfor | C081 |
Canlan/Canland | C773 |
Canlay | C083 |
Cann | C054 |
Canning | C026 |
Cannipye | C185 |
Cannochan | C690 |
Cannon | C025 |
Cannot | C075 |
Canny | C091 |
Cantelbury/Canterbury | C678 |
Cantlow | C105 |
Canton | C526 |
Cantrell | C563 |
Cantwell | C103 |
Canty | C527 |
Canworthy | C577 |
Cape | C528 |
Capelin | C529 |
Capell | C102 |
Capon | C016 |
Capper | C393 |
Cappyn | C798 |
Caravan | C771 |
Caraway | C638 |
Carbel | C442 |
Carberry | C027 |
Carbis | C569 |
Carbonnell | C573 |
Card | C028 |
Cardem | C069 |
Carder | C029 |
Cardery | C458 |
Cardmere | C468 |
Cardwell | C092 |
Cardy | C485 |
Care | C530 |
Carew | C030 |
Carey | C052 |
Cargill | C060 |
Cark | C060 |
Carkett | C036 |
Carland | C511 |
Carley | C692 |
Carlile | C037 |
Carline | C512 |
Carlton | C072 |
Carman | C017 |
Carmel | C561 |
Carmichael | C031 |
Carmont | C057 |
Carne | C038 |
Carnegia | C097 |
Carnell | C018 |
Carney | C300 |
Carnick | C514 |
Carnochant | C032 |
Carpassy | C579 |
Carpenter | C033 |
Carr | C040 |
Carra | C547 |
Carraway | C554 |
Carriage | C797 |
Carrier | C080 |
Carrigan | C392 |
Carring | C562 |
Carrington | C580 |
Carroll | C039 |
Carruthers | C063 |
Cars/Carse | C064 |
Carsender | C566 |
Carsley | C576 |
Carson | C019 |
Carter | C042 |
Carteret | C034 |
Carthew | C086 |
Cartmell | C078 |
Carton | C072 |
Cartridge | C041 |
Cartwright | C053 |
Carver | C065 |
Carvis | C569 |
Carwell | C079 |
Carwithen | C035 |
Casby | C590 |
Case | C055 |
Casely | C043 |
Casent | C076 |
Casey | C044 |
Cash | C564 |
Casher | C591 |
Cashin | C045 |
Cashman | C058 |
Cason | C082 |
Casper | C598 |
Casquet | C093 |
Cassidy | C106 |
Casson | C045 |
Castle | C046 |
Castledon | C607 |
Castleman | C680 |
Caston | C608 |
Cater | C042 |
Catford | C681 |
Cathcart | C089 |
Catherwood | C617 |
Cathey | C637 |
Cato | C087 |
Caton | C021 |
Catt | C673 |
Cattell | C677 |
Cattermold | C774 |
Cattermoule | C686 |
Cattworthy | C688 |
Cauck | C691 |
Caul | C011 |
Cauldfield | C084 |
Cauldome | C702 |
Caunter | C047 |
Causey | C050 |
Caustoff | C059 |
Cave | C048 |
Cavell | C074 |
Caven | C731 |
Cawler | C732 |
Cawley | C049 |
Cayles | C687 |
Cayley | C653 |
Cazneau | C051 |
Ceath | C733 |
Certon | C072 |
Ceske | C734 |
Chace | C531 |
Chad | C736 |
Chadbourn | C735 |
Chadder | C159 |
Chade | C736 |
Chadwick | C158 |
Chafe | C196 |
Chaffers | C175 |
Chaffey | C174 |
Chaille/Chaillon/Chaliou | C177 |
Chalk | C142 |
Chalker | C157 |
Challacombe | C532 |
Challenger | C167 |
Challice/Challis | C163 |
Chalmers | C156 |
Chamberlain | C155 |
Chambers | C154 |
Champ | C533 |
Champernoun | C153 |
Champion | C015 |
Champlyn | C148 |
Chancellor | C164 |
Chance | C737 |
Chancey | C151 |
Chandler | C534 |
Chanlor | C738 |
Channell | C110 |
Channing/Channon | C150 |
Chant | C149 |
Chanter | C140 |
Chantrell | C139 |
Chapling | C148 |
Chapman | C138 |
Chappell | C111 |
Chappleman | C147 |
Chard | C146 |
Charge | C694 |
Chargewin | C189 |
Charles | C145 |
Charleson | C191 |
Charley | C125 |
Charlick | C178 |
Charlston/Charlton | C191 |
Charten | C183 |
Charter | C144 |
Chartis | C535 |
Chase | C143 |
Chasleye | C739 |
Chasseloup | C137 |
Chassong | C195 |
Chasty | C740 |
Chatard | C166 |
Chatfield | C192 |
Chattell | C741 |
Chatty | C170 |
Chatwell | C742 |
Chaulk | C142 |
Chaundy | C636 |
Chawne | C124 |
Chealy | C743 |
Cheap | C136 |
Chears | C161 |
Cheater | C112 |
Checkman | C744 |
Chedgey | C193 |
Chedocke | C745 |
Cheeesmith | C536 |
Cheek/Cheeke | C135 |
Cheese | C173 |
Cheeseman | C134 |
Cheeseworth | C194 |
Cheetham | C133 |
Cheevers | C186 |
Cheltingham | C537 |
Cheney | C141 |
Chepmell | C187 |
Cherrett | C609 |
Cherry | C132 |
Cherwin | C189 |
Chesmer | C538 |
Chesney | C746 |
Chester | C539 |
Chesterman | C172 |
Cheswell | C540 |
Chettel/Chettell | C747 |
Cheun | C541 |
Chevalier | C131 |
Chichester | C604 |
Chick | C135 |
Chidd | C748 |
Chidleigh/Chidley | C116 |
Chilcott | C129 |
Child/Chiles | C130 |
Chilicombe | C532 |
Chillingham | C749 |
Chillock | C750 |
Chilson | C182 |
Chilton | C128 |
Chinchen | C122 |
Ching | C160 |
Chinn | C176 |
Chinnick | C790 |
Chinnock | C127 |
Chints | C176 |
Chipchase | C751 |
Chipley | C775 |
Chipman | C184 |
Chipp | C693 |
Chippet/Chippett | C752 |
Chiseldon | C753 |
Chisholm | C165 |
Chisk | C754 |
Chislett | C542 |
Chisley | C605 |
Chitson | C171 |
Chivele | C776 |
Choake | C656 |
Choisel | C180 |
Cholditch | C169 |
Cholwich | C168 |
Cholwill | C118 |
Chope | C126 |
Chorley | C125 |
Chotard | C166 |
Chouldridge | C606 |
Chowan/Chown | C124 |
Chrisby | C755 |
Christall | C543 |
Christian | C121 |
Christie | C120 |
Christmas | C123 |
Christopher | C119 |
Christopherson | C188 |
Chritchman | C557 |
Chubb | C117 |
Chudleigh/Chudley | C116 |
Church | C114 |
Churchett | C756 |
Churchey | C544 |
Churchill | C115 |
Churchouse | C635 |
Churchward | C113 |
Churchwell | C115 |
Churgewin | C189 |
Churly | C181 |
Churton | C610 |
Churty | C757 |
Cicklen (see Strickland) | S120 |
Cinch | C759 |
Clackstone | C243 |
Claiton | C777 |
Clamp | C242 |
Clampitt | C198 |
Clancy | C197 |
Clandon | C232 |
Clapcott | C238 |
Clapham | C236 |
Clapp | C199 |
Clare | C230 |
Clark/Clarke | C226 |
Clarkson | C223 |
Clasbe | C650 |
Clasbury | C695 |
Clase | C651 |
Claseford | C778 |
Clatney | C779 |
Clatterbrook | C229 |
Clausey | C780 |
Clavell/Clavill | C657 |
Claverdan | C781 |
Claxton/Claxtone | C243 |
Clay | C200 |
Claymore | C782 |
Claypit | C783 |
Claypole | C784 |
Clayton | C222 |
Cleafinger | C785 |
Cleal | C241 |
Cleane | C659 |
Clear | C201 |
Cleary | C202 |
Cleasbury | C633 |
Cleave | C204 |
Cleavland | C239 |
Clees | C602 |
Cleeves | C203 |
Cleffer | C786 |
Clegg | C211 |
Cleghorn | C219 |
Clelland | C205 |
Clemas | C240 |
Clements | C206 |
Clementson | C221 |
Clemist/Clemos | C240 |
Clemshal | C787 |
Clenick | C209 |
Cleveland | C239 |
Clever | C696 |
Cleverly | C237 |
Cleves | C760 |
Clevinger | C658 |
Clewer | C788 |
Clibbett | C220 |
Clifford | C207 |
Clift | C244 |
Clifton | C233 |
Clinch | C208 |
Clines | C789 |
Clinnick | C791 |
Clint | C235 |
Clinton | C210 |
Clippen | C224 |
Clipsham | C545 |
Clitherow/Clithow | C792 |
Clitsome | C603 |
Clive | C228 |
Cloade | C245 |
Cloane | C659 |
Clogg | C796 |
Cloherry | C793 |
Cloke | C212 |
Clooney | C213 |
Close | C214 |
Clotheir | C231 |
Clotworthy | C634 |
Clough | C794 |
Clouston | C215 |
Clouter | C546 |
Clover | C218 |
Clow | C679 |
Clowder | C795 |
Cluett | C216 |
Clunie | C234 |
Clunn | C217 |
Clutterbuck | C229 |
Clyne | C225 |
Coade | C245 |
Coady | C246 |
Coaker | C247 |
Coan | C799 |
Coard | C028 |
Coase | C248 |
Coates | C249 |
Coath | C381 |
Cobb | C250 |
Cobbeduck | C251 |
Cobbet | C802 |
Cobble | C800 |
Cobby | C380 |
Cobeduck | C251 |
Coble | C359 |
Cobleigh | C599 |
Cobley | C801 |
Cobmore | C364 |
Cochrane | C255 |
Cock | C286 |
Cockburn | C252 |
Cockerill | C256 |
Cockey | C253 |
Cocking | C254 |
Cockit | C726 |
Cockland | C803 |
Cockleyne | C804 |
Cockram/Cockran | C255 |
Cockran/Corcoran | C297 |
Cocksford | C362 |
Cockwill | C356 |
Codbear | C631 |
Codd | C257 |
Codley | C385 |
Codlyn | C805 |
Codner | C258 |
Coegnett | C375 |
Coffee | C347 |
Coffery | C560 |
Coffin | C259 |
Coffinswell (David, listed under Crockwell) | C415 |
Cofield | C806 |
Cogall | C807 |
Coggan | C267 |
Coghlan | C266 |
Cogley | C372 |
Cognett | C808 |
Cohen | C809 |
Cohu | C260 |
Cokbine | C810 |
Coke | C261 |
Coladay | C811 |
Colake | C812 |
Colback | C357 |
Colbard | C568 |
Colbert | C263 |
Colborne/Colbourne | C268 |
Colboy | C355 |
Colchard | C660 |
Colcher | C816 |
Colcherd | C660 |
Colclough | C595 |
Colcome | C815 |
Colcott | C630 |
Colder | C817 |
Coldridge | C725 |
Coldstream | C262 |
Cole | C265 |
Colebach | C813 |
Colechard | C660 |
Colehan | C387 |
Coleman | C264 |
Colemer/Colemore | C814 |
Colenso | C401 |
Colescott | C630 |
Colesworthy/Goldsworthy | C269 |
Coley | C628 |
Colford | C330 |
Colfox | C818 |
Colgan | C333 |
Colgill | C819 |
Colkett | C374 |
Collamore | C553 |
Collard | C099 |
Collas | C270 |
College | C350 |
Collendar/Collender | C761 |
Collet | C271 |
Collicot | C630 |
Collier | C272 |
Collihall | C273 |
Collimore | C553 |
Collinette | C275 |
Collingdon | C820 |
Collingham | C683 |
Collingwood | C274 |
Collins | C276 |
Collis | C277 |
Colliton | C486 |
Colly | C821 |
Colmell | C398 |
Colmer | C278 |
Colpass | C338 |
Colpepper | C822 |
Colpys | C823 |
Colquhoun | C383 |
Colson/Colston | C339 |
Colstrop | C597 |
Colter | C331 |
Coltman | C335 |
Colton | C642 |
Columbies | C279 |
Colville | C643 |
Colway | C824 |
Colwell | C402 |
Combay | C662 |
Combden | C555 |
Combershall | C825 |
Combs/Coombs | C282 |
Comer | C283 |
Comerford | C284 |
Comerin | C342 |
Comett | C384 |
Comley | C826 |
Comm | C827 |
Common | C663 |
Companion | C548 |
Compton | C285 |
Comsford | C361 |
Comydine | C828 |
Conant | C640 |
Condett | C480 |
Condon | C287 |
Conduit | C829 |
Coneton | C830 |
Confer | C831 |
Congdon | C288 |
Congrieve | C593 |
Coniam | C723 |
Conivet | C832 |
Connally | C280 |
Connell | C289 |
Connelly | C280 |
Conneran | C833 |
Connery | C324 |
Connett | C480 |
Connick | C382 |
Connolly | C280 |
Connors | C281 |
Conrad | C346 |
Conroy | C641 |
Constable | C594 |
Constance | C581 |
Constant | C729 |
Constantine | C358 |
Conway | C647 |
Conybeare | C600 |
Conyer | C648 |
Cook/Cooke | C286 |
Cookesley | C644 |
Cookman | C664 |
Cookney | C762 |
Cookston | C835 |
Cookworthy | C646 |
Coold | C628 |
Cooley | C628 |
Coolrick | C303 |
Coonan | C400 |
Coone | C722 |
Cooney | C645 |
Coope | C290 |
Cooper | C291 |
Coose | C248 |
Coot/Coote | C549 |
Cope | C292 |
Copeland/Copland | C379 |
Coplestone | C294 |
Copley | C550 |
Copner | C293 |
Copp | C665 |
Coppinger | C344 |
Copplestone | C294 |
Coppock | C363 |
Copthorne | C836 |
Coran | C491 |
Corbel | C837 |
Corber | C838 |
Corbet/Corbett | C295 |
Corbin | C296 |
Corby | C839 |
Corcoran/Cockran | C297 |
Cord | C028 |
Cording | C378 |
Cordis | C343 |
Cordory | C840 |
Corens | C841 |
Corf | C397 |
Corfield | C556 |
Coridan | C842 |
Corley | C298 |
Cormack | C299 |
Cormier | C327 |
Corneby | C332 |
Cornelius | C376 |
Cornell | C018 |
Corner | C843 |
Corney | C300 |
Cornforth | C351 |
Cornhill | C403 |
Cornick | C558 |
Corning | C844 |
Cornish | C301 |
Cornston | C360 |
Cornwall | C302 |
Coroler | C845 |
Corpe | C250 |
Corplin | C592 |
Corrick | C303 |
Corrie | C326 |
Corrigan | C392 |
Corrin | C325 |
Corris | C846 |
Corrogan | C392 |
Corse | C367 |
Corser | C328 |
Corston | C360 |
Corten | C368 |
Corter/Cortyer | C666 |
Corum | C304 |
Corval | C847 |
Corwell | C848 |
Coryear | C305 |
Coryndon | C629 |
Coryton | C386 |
Corseteere | C849 |
Cosgrove | C306 |
Cosiar | C850 |
Cosley | C389 |
Cosnard | C390 |
Cospard | C851 |
Cosserat | C399 |
Costello | C307 |
Coster | C308 |
Costigan | C329 |
Cosway | C852 |
Cothay | C309 |
Cotley | C340 |
Cotman | C763 |
Cotnell | C853 |
Cotsford | C854 |
Cott | C310 |
Cotter | C334 |
Cotterall | C667 |
Cottiman | C348 |
Cottle | C668 |
Cotton | C311 |
Cotty | C728 |
Couch | C313 |
Couchlan/Coughlan | C266 |
Couley | C764 |
Coulin | C366 |
Coulson | C570 |
Coulthard | C551 |
Coulum | C354 |
Coune | C722 |
Count | C394 |
Counter | C047 |
Coupland | C379 |
Courage | C601 |
Cournin | C855 |
Court | C369 |
Courtenay | C316 |
Courtice | C856 |
Courtier | C666 |
Courtin | C505 |
Cousins | C314 |
Coutanche | C391 |
Coutart | C341 |
Coutt | C727 |
Coutts | C615 |
Cove | C312 |
Coveduck | C857 |
Coventry | C337 |
Coverdale | C396 |
Coverley | C315 |
Covert | C858 |
Covill | C859 |
Covintree | C337 |
Cowan | C317 |
Coward | C318 |
Cowdell | C377 |
Cowden | C724 |
Cowell | C320 |
Cowie | C373 |
Cowland | C860 |
Cowlard | C669 |
Cowler | C861 |
Cowley | C319 |
Cowman | C349 |
Cown | C722 |
Cox | C321 |
Coxall | C862 |
Coxey | C863 |
Coxon/Coxson | C322 |
Coxstead | C864 |
Coxswill | C388 |
Coxworthy | C646 |
Coyde | C371 |
Coyle | C336 |
Coysh | C323 |
Coyte | C371 |
Cozens | C571 |
Crabb | C464 |
Crabbell | C446 |
Crabbett | C478 |
Crabtree | C420 |
Crack | C474 |
Cracknell | C865 |
Craddock | C421 |
Cradler | C866 |
Craft | C567 |
Cragg/Craig | C422 |
Crairy | C867 |
Cramer | C404 |
Cramm | C405 |
Cramp | C451 |
Cran | C868 |
Cranborne | C869 |
Cranch | C407 |
Crandon | C870 |
Crane | C423 |
Cranford | C410 |
Crange | C406 |
Crankling | C670 |
Crann | C720 |
Cranston | C588 |
Crapp | C408 |
Crapping | C671 |
Cratby | C465 |
Crathorne | C447 |
Cratty | C440 |
Craven | C871 |
Cravitt | C620 |
Crawford | C409 |
Crawley | C411 |
Cray | C649 |
Craze | C585 |
Creagh | C470 |
Creaser | C424 |
Creasey | C477 |
Creber | C874 |
Creby | C425 |
Creddiford | C427 |
Cree | C875 |
Creed | C426 |
Creedy | C622 |
Creeper | C876 |
Creese | C452 |
Crego | C877 |
Crellin | C507 |
Crerie | C453 |
Crest | C879 |
Creswell | C428 |
Crevett | C878 |
Crew/Crews | C429 |
Cribb | C412 |
Crichard | C625 |
Crichton | C872 |
Crickington | C624 |
Crickle | C672 |
Crickman/Crickmay | C473 |
Cridland | C765 |
Crighton | C430 |
Crilly | C469 |
Crimminger | C873 |
Crimmings | C583 |
Crimp | C431 |
Cring | C623 |
Crisde | C766 |
Crisp | C432 |
Crispey | C461 |
Crispin | C433 |
Crispy | C461 |
Crisson | C767 |
Critch | C476 |
Critchell | C413 |
Critchett | C434 |
Critchley | C674 |
Critchlow | C449 |
Critchman | C557 |
Crixon | C510 |
Croad | C460 |
Croaker | C414 |
Crobert | C584 |
Crocker | C414 |
Crockett | C880 |
Crockford | C445 |
Crockhay | C881 |
Crockley | C475 |
Crockutt | C586 |
Crockwell | C415 |
Crocomb | C459 |
Crode | C460 |
Croft | C567 |
Croke | C417 |
Crokeham | C882 |
Croker | C416 |
Cromand | C768 |
Cromton | C675 |
Crone | C508 |
Croney/Cronie | C436 |
Cronin/Cronnine | C466 |
Cronker | C437 |
Crooke | C418 |
Crookhey | C582 |
Crookshank | C448 |
Croome | C456 |
Cropping | C671 |
Crosbie/Crosbie and Company/Crosby | C438 |
Crosfield | C559 |
Croshill/Croskill | C479 |
Cross | C439 |
Crossing | C589 |
Crossland | C454 |
Crossman | C455 |
Crossthwaite | C450 |
Crosswood | C883 |
Crotty | C440 |
Crouch | C441 |
Croucher | C416 |
Croughton | C443 |
Crout | C419 |
Crouter | C884 |
Crow | C429 |
Crowdell | C885 |
Crowder | C471 |
Crowdy | C463 |
Crowell | C506 |
Crowley | C411 |
Crown | C508 |
Crowning | C466 |
Crownwill | C627 |
Crowte | C419 |
Crowter/Crowther | C471 |
Croydon | C886 |
Crozer | C467 |
Crubey | C462 |
Cruden | C457 |
Crummall | C472 |
Crummy | C587 |
Crumpler | C721 |
Crumpling | C887 |
Crumpton | C888 |
Cruse | C429 |
Crute | C419 |
Cube | C521 |
Cubit | C614 |
Cuddihy | C481 |
Cudham | C520 |
Cudmore | C482 |
Cuff/Cuffe | C517 |
Cuite | C504 |
Culber | C611 |
Culcheth | C519 |
Cull | C484 |
Cullen | C483 |
Culleton | C486 |
Cullimore | C769 |
Cullinan | C108 |
Cully | C552 |
Culverwell | C487 |
Culpepper | C896 |
Cumberland | C613 |
Cumbershall | C889 |
Cumbie | C711 |
Cummings/Cummins | C488 |
Cunard | C503 |
Cundett | C480 |
Cundy | C489 |
Cune | C722 |
Cunnett | C895 |
Cunningham | C490 |
Curdle | C619 |
Curdy | C890 |
Cure | C618 |
Curl/Curle | C684 |
Curlew | C515 |
Curling | C518 |
Curne | C654 |
Curnew | C515 |
Curnow | C685 |
Curran/Curren | C491 |
Currie | C492 |
Currier | C305 |
Curry | C492 |
Curt | C494 |
Curtin | C505 |
Curtis | C493 |
Curton | C770 |
Curtwood | C632 |
Curvis | C891 |
Curwen | C502 |
Cusack | C495 |
Cushenter | C496 |
Custance | C581 |
Custeen | C513 |
Cutcliff | C497 |
Cuten | C897 |
Cuthbertson | C498 |
Cuting | C892 |
Cutler | C499 |
Cutlip | C500 |
Cutt | C615 |
Cutteford | C501 |
Cutter | C893 |
Cyne | C894 |
Cysgarne | C522 |