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1881 Crew Lists Search Results

5 records were found

Last Name:   Wennell
First Name:   George William
Voyage Year:   1881
Vessel Name:   Flower of Kent
Official No.:   26682

Last Name:   Wade
First Name:   Frederick
Voyage Year:   1881
Vessel Name:   Flower of Kent
Official No.:   26682

Last Name:   Kemp
First Name:   John
Voyage Year:   1881
Vessel Name:   Flower of Kent
Official No.:   26682

Last Name:   Wennell
First Name:   George William
Voyage Year:   1881
Vessel Name:   Flower of Kent
Official No.:   26682

Last Name:   Kemp
First Name:   John
Voyage Year:   1881
Vessel Name:   Flower of Kent
Official No.:   26682

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