Home Holdings and Collections William Button Diaries William Button Diary, 1914
William Button Diary, 1914
Events in the building of New Cod Liver factory.
June 1, Monday
Monday June 1st Timber removed and assorted for use two or more sills scarfed. Mr.
Kelland arrived in forenoon and afternoon he & Francis Pynn began work and did the
thing stated.
June 2, Tuesday
Tuesday 2 Sills all put together and fastened and laid on foundation. Ground size laid
out of main building apart from wing.
June 3, Wednesday
Wed. 3 Finished putting sills of main building in position permanently with propts [sic]
of wood & stone. Sleepered & nailed about two thirds of ground frame and a dozen or
more of post was prepared for it.
June 4, Thursday
Thursday 4 Finished putting all sleepers in place posted & spanned one side and posted
about two thirds of East side as well. Mr. K & L. Reid F Pynn Josiah WL after as
June 5, Friday
Friday 5 Mr. K. with L. Reid work all day with Josiah Mansfield in afternoon. The East
side was finished posted & spanned, posts put in position in two each as well 2nd beams
clamps & wall plates now in place.
June 6, Saturday
Saturday Mr. K – Sml. Woodland S.JW Z. Reid work all day Josiah Mansfield before
breakfast absent before noon at work afternoon
Sills of the wing was laid and pillared several posts along the side put in place about half
of the main building beamed
June 8, Monday
Monday 8 Mr. K. & J & S Woodld Z. Reid & Josiah Mansfield worked until 5 pm when
it became to [sic] stormy with N.E wind and rain to work longer Today the wing was all
posted and about half sleepered & half raftered the main building was finished beamed
some second story beams put in place ridge pole also about a length and half of flooring
was also nailed down.
June 9, Tuesday
Tuesday 9 Cold & unpleasant in the Morning Mr. K. spent forenoon putting top loft in
shop. Afternoon at the factory S. J Woodland spent an hour before breakfast and the
afternoon as well flooring whilst Mr K put on the two end rafters & fited [sic] others
Joshua Goodwin John C & Josiah Mansfield Zech Reid Spent the day with Noah Driscoll
after breakfast wharfing up and making improvements to the walk by end of new
June 10, Wednesday
Wed 10 Mr. Kelland made & put in place front door box
“ “ “ two window boxes
“ “ “ End facing up & SW.
Nailed on some Clapboard and with the assistance of John C Mansfield & Chas. Driscoll
(who spent forenoon wharfing up a place for to stand cask on) finished putting rafters
the wing. Joshua Goodwin also spent the day clapboarding & Josiah Mansfield the
afternoon only, doing the same work. The S.W. side is now clapboard to the beams and a
few course in West end.
June 11, Thursday
Thursday 11th Mr Kelland & Chesly Driscoll were the only one at work to day Ches
spent the day taking clapboard of old factory removing all on the Southrly ends and the
side beyond the door
Mr. K. clapboard the ends as high as the clamp.
June 12, Friday
Friday 12 Mr. K Fitted window boxes in side of wing nailed strips of board on the side
for shingling and helped put in one of the press boxes
Josiah Mansfield & Joshua Goodwin shingld little more than half the side of wing Sml.
Woodland John C. Mansfd & [G.J?] [Woodland] clapbord thee [sic] s end & south W
side about three feet of each remain now to be clapbded sml. W also dressed up the posts
for press boxes and assisted Mr Kelld, in the flooring underneath pun tub & box and did a
little ceiling to end of store Ches Driscoll was at work forenoon only taking of
June 13, Saturday
Sat. 13 Mr. K worked until 3 pm & went home Eli Goodwin began after breakfast &
with Joshua finished shingling side of wing Frances Pynn made window box for s. end
of it & clapboarded end only Mr K made a door box for west end of wing & clapboarded
some of it and Geo C. Goodwin after making 60 cask for pc of [leadcove?] for Plm.
Button finished the west end in the afternoon Sml woodland spent his half day in
dressing up posts for second press Box fitted the tub & partly put it in place John C & J.
Mansfield put some strpg. on side of Facty above the roof of wing to make ready for
shingling & fitted some Covering on roof of same for felt.
June 15, Monday
Monday 15 Mr. Kelland with Chas. Harris spent most of day putting rafters on main
building Eli Goodwin shingling side above wing Wm Harris John Harris & Geo C
Goodwin spent the day taking covering of old facty & otherwise taking it down in which
Ches Driscoll also did part Wm Barrett spent the day building foundation for steam
engine and in the afternoon was assisted by Josiah Mansfield. John C Mansfield began
12 noon & was indirectly connected with the work going to sibly Cove with Clpd and
retd. with 400 ft from mill at [B???] he afterw went to Lead Cove with Leader for Plm
Btns’ [trap?] & hauled up shingles.
June 16, Tuesday
Tuesday 16
Mr. Kelland dressed up the first [casing?] boards & did other [dressing? with?] Wm
Barrett & Josiah Mansfied built the [secd.?] foundation for steam engine fitted beam &
chain for [pusar?] and finished the flooring the factory. Francis Pynn & John C. Mansfd
finish clapbord the front side & Eli S-. finished the [shing of?] back side Geo C.
[Goodwin?] Wm & Jno Harris & since [Bay?] finished [taking down?] old facty entirely
& about half of facty & some of wing was covered Ches Driscoll removed the [Punch &
brl?] to the beach.
June 17, Wednesday
Wed 17 Mr. Kelland owing to it being wet & rainy spent the fornoon putting ceiling the
roof of shop with V. Joint board In the afternoon he nailed down one length of flooring
in wing of factory and [repaired?] some [eve?] boards Wm & Jno Harris was also at work
in afternoon and finished [covey? covering?] with inch board the wing of factory.
June 18, Thursday
Thursday 18
A fine day Had Eleven men at work beside Mr. K.
Wm H., Eli, & Geo. C. Goodwin S. J. & Sml. Woodland
Josiah & John C. Mansfield Simeon Bursey, Francis Pynn, Wm. Barrett & Ches. Driscoll.
To day a little clapbord was done to west end the Factory proper was finished [covering?]
(half of it being only done before) factory covered with felt openings for press beams made beams
fitted, Sticks to support the beams for [troishing?] put in place. Frame work
to support engine boiler built and the greater part of factory ceiled. Wm. Barrett spent
forenoon at work on Elishas fence & gates & Ches Driscoll spent forenoon with horse &
cart to H.Hr.
June 19, Friday
Friday 19 Mr. K. and the same number of men as employed yesterday was at work again
to day Chas. Harris additional who spent the time repairing iron boiler and fitting
machinery for liver boiler. The two ends of factory was finished clapboarded to day
steps Leading to boiler made Door faced & put on hinges Factory finished with ceiling
& nearly half of wing ceiled also. The foundation of [tan?] pot so far as rock & gravel is
needed was built & got ready for the building of it in place. The wing was also covered
with felt and John C Mansfield with the assistance of Chas. Driscoll after tarring the roof
of shop & [adjing?] department tarred the factory & wing as well.
June 20, Saturday
saturday 20th
Mr. Kelland Francis Pynn Wm Barrett & Joshua Goodwin were the men employed to
day. the latter spent the day filling in with [beach?] a hollow on sea side of factory F.
Pynn ceiling & puting [sic] down flooring in the wing so that it is now [?] & floored as
far as the side door. Wm. Barrett put lock & latch on one door & faced & put in
[posthole?] [one] on back facing sea Mr Kelland fitted in all the windows and nerly [sic]
finished facing the [three?] in factory.
June 22, Monday
Monday 22 Mr. Kelland Francis Pynn, Joshua Goodwin, & Simeon Bursy at work to
day. The two former Dressed up the eaves & put them on the south end & S. west side &
put up scafolding for the rest of the work the latter two finished flooring the wing and the
whole of one side of wing [was culed?] and about 8 ft. of lofting in main factory the
platform for filling casks on was also finished
June 23, Tuesday
Tuesday 23 Mr. Kelland with Simeon Bursey put eaves on West end & East side of
[covering?] of factory also on South end and East side of wing.
Geo C Mansfield who Yesterday spent forenoon finishing piling a space left unpiled in
the wharf spent afternoon & the forenoon of today building a shed in farm for mare in the
afternoon he nailed down some [roofing?] in the factory over the presses
June 24, Wednesday
Wed. 24 Mr. Kelland finished entirely the eaves to day as well as putting props under the
leading beam in factory Simeon Bursey finished the ceiling of the wing & faced two
June 25, Thursday
Thursday 25 Mr. Kelland Faced the opening leading through factory to wing Fitted &
put in place [to? 10?] shelves and fitted a water pipe on back of steam engine Simeon
Bursey spent the day whitewashing the [covering?] and all of the wing inside.
June 26, Friday
Friday 26 Mr. K fitted facings in openings for press beams made ten new press board
and did other little [final or mean?] jobs such as making spoils for puncheons & [pess?]
boxes & cleats for beams etc. Geo. Mansfield & Simeon Bury began work after
breakfast lofting & this job was finished by 6 pm Wes Driscoll was at work in the
afternoon only & whitewashed two thirds of one side of factory above wing
The work building [and?] making the finishing, [squid?] are now all done so that only the
whitewashing & painting remains
June 27, Saturday
Sat. 27 Mr. K. before breakfast made a little hatch underneath the liver boiler and a
hatch to cover the opening for hoisting casks which he fastened with hinges & put
[tackle?] to and thus ended his labour at the as well He also made a step at the door way
and thus ended his labours at the factory. The rem. of the day he spent putting top loft in
shop or until 4 pm. when he left for home acpnd. by Mr. Wm Button who took him in his
[carriage?] as far as New C.
Sat. 27 Wes. Driscoll was again whitewashing factory finishing the sea side of it as far as
the uppermost window Johney painted the west door windows & facing of opening to
[factory?] of wing & a part of one side of [factory] was whitewashed by [Wallie?]
June 29, Monday
Gordon Bursey spent three parts of day whitewashing finishing the seaside of wing left
undone by W.D. on Saty also W. end of factory & wing & part of S side [?] do. Johny
painted with red all of eaves & windows facing sea Reid boys whitewashed all of walls
of factory & part of loft
June 30, Tuesday
Tuesday 30 Gordon Bursy whitewash s. end of factory and about 8 ft of West side when
it rained and he had to to [sic] cease work. The boys Reids were again whitewashing loft
and Johney painted the eaves of South & North end so that only the west side remains to
be whitewashed & painted
Mr. Kelland arrived at breakfast hour & began work soon after At first he put together
two pcs. of plank for running tubs & barrel into or out of factory puttied in pane of glass
and tightened one of the water pipes of engine of with paint afterward he put qrtr. rounds
on the floor around each counter in the shop and then spent remainder of the day lofting
July 1, Wednesday
Wedy July 1st He was all day at same work and has it now [arched?] the [breadth?] of a
board or two beyond middle window. The loft of factory was finished whitewash today
all painting to facings of doors & windows done & the factory & wing brushed & cleaned
up for first time.
July 2, Thursday
Thursday 2nd. Mr. Kelland continued on at same work today and has the work finished to
within Six inches of the easternmost part of East window so that he hopes to finish the
work of arching tomorrow.
July 3, Friday
Friday 3rd. The work was finished today so that apart from putting cornice around it is
now completed
The finishing with whitewashing & painting the Cod Live factory was brought to a close
today by Ches & Wes. Driscoll & this brings the whole thing to a finish which was begun
Monday June 1st 1914
July 4, Saturday
Saturday July 4th “Mr. Kelland” finished putting Cornice moulding around the whole loft
with a little facing underneath it and after putting some screw hooks in loft the days work
was concluded.
July 6, Monday
Monday 6 Mr. K Lengthened the shelves for holding paper the width of three & put up
shelves for goods to meet end of shop to about half the required height
July 7, Tuesday
Tuesday 7 Work at shelves was finished to day and two pieces of railing for stairs
partially dressed
July 8, Wednesday
Wed 8 Put railing round stair with three posts & [wings?] having plained & fashioned
the whole
July 9, Thursday
Thursday 9 The railing was finished today and a counter on S.W. side put together and
about half studded round
July 10, Friday
Friday 10th Finished the counter and left for home about 5 pm to remain until Monday.
July 13, Monday
Monday 13 Arrived at 9 am about 10.30 Began painting topmost loft & painted about
1/3 of same
July 14, Tuesday
Tuesday 14 A continuation of same work more than 2/3 is now finished
July 15, Wednesday
Wed 15 Today the loft was finished and the South end as well with about 3 ft of SW side
July 16, Thursday
Thursday 16 S.W side & West end with cornice of said end finished
July 17, Friday
Friday 17 Cornice & all the shelves on E. side painted today so that what is underneath
shelves of that side is all that remains
July 18, Saturday
Saturday 18 what was left of the sides of the shop was painted also all the cornice
moulding rail & wrungs [sic] of stairs and new counter so that for the first time the work
on the whole of the building was finished to day.
[At this point, the entries in the cod liver factory diary cease and a more general diary
begins. A sort of follow-up to the cod liver factory diary, which describes various odd
jobs that Mr. Kelland did for the Buttons from July 20th to July 24th, after the factory was
more less finished, appears after July 24th of the general diary]
June 15, Monday
Monday June 15th
“Garnishee” came here in the morning & sailed at 3 pm under very propitious circumstan
[sic]. Fine day sea smooth wind blowing gulls from west all things augured for fine
June 16, Tuesday
Tuesday 16 A S.E wind blew nearly all day so that it is thought she had a good run.
Fishery prospects still very poor.
June 16, Tuesday and June 17, Wednesday
Tuesday 16 & Wed 17 Nothing now happening fish a blank one or two traps got a tub
each Will H Goodwin tho [got] from . . .
June 18, Thursday
Thursday 18 A fine day wind west Ed Janes here doing some fixture to telephone Glass
in shop door broken Little dr. Joyce steeping [sic] from sleeper to sleeper in factory feel
[sic] & bruisd her nose & face considerably
June 21, Sunday
Sunday 21 A fine day but blew a storm all [day] from S.W. Minister absent to Dist.
Meeting Laymen conducted the services
June 23, Tuesday
Tuesday 23 A beautiful summer day warm & fine with light wind Mr & Mrs [sealy?]
visited us in forenoon & remained a while Fish very scarce none at all taken by any one
At evening it was reported to us by Jno Harris that his father had cast a few caplin
June 24, Wednesday
Wednesday 24 Fine & warm with strong gale S.w. wind, at dusk it rained a little what is
known as summer showers. There were no caplin reported today so that the school has
not yet come. It was to [sic] stormy for the fishermen to get on the grounds, and the trap
men did not even haul their traps so that expectancy in the codfishery is a cause of
serious thought now as day by day come & go.
Sandy Pelley came here at noon in his boat for some supply & brought for in packages
taken from S.S. Ethie. The C.H.E. exams has been on since Monday with Mr. Crummy
school teacher of O.P. as supervisor work progressing favourably. The first intimation
of the withdrawal of Rev. Mr. Gaukrodger was heard to day and the depriving of this end
of the mission of the junour [sic] minister calls for adverse criticism
June 25, Thursday
Thursday 25 “Schnr. Ellen” came here at evening discharged some salt & freight &
remained all night Day fine No fish taken by any means no caplin landed yet.
June 26, Friday
Friday 26 A fine warm day with strong s.w. wind Ellen finished discharging at 9 am &
left again The CH.E. eams [sic] over Mr. Crumy left for O.P. at 5 pm Lots of customers
here to day. Mr. Coleman & Mr. Howard visited us in the morning & Mr. Kavangah
[sic.] [expecting?] McMurdo in the afternoon
June 27, Saturday
Sat. 27 June A fine day with strong S.W. wind. Caplin made their first appearance to be
taken for bait. Levi Diamond and several obtained them, and were on the grounds early.
Each boat succeeded in getting 4-6-7- & 12 tubs of fish of a fine quality. This result of
the first days fishing was very incouraging [sic], filled all with hope of the voyage being
a more promising one than has appeared from the outlook of the past, when owing to the
lateness of the season, and the want of more warm weather the aspect all the time along
has been anything but bright.
June 28, Sunday
Sun 28 A fine summer day but a gale of wind was blowing again Rev. Gaukrodger
preached at evening held a prayer meeting after the service was very inspiring He
announced that next sunday morning he would likely preach his last sermon as the
Conference had appointed him to Ephworth [sic]
June 29, Monday
Monday 29 A fine day with light steady wind all of the fishermen on the ground early
but did not find fish nearly as plenty as anticipated Still all got some three & four tubs
and and [sic] in one or more cases 1 “½ & 2 qtls were taken. Caplin easily obtained First
lot of liver melted in new factory at evening about 40 Gallons Charlie & Gordon Day
visited us at dinner hour in motor boat and brought a small boat which floated of of [sic]
slip a whole ago. John B. Mansfield with his brother & Simeon Bursey was employed
setting their trap at the Indian Rock on their arrival. Noah Driscoll today set out
moorings & leader of a trap at Island Point.
June 30, Tuesday
Tuesday 30
Fine & very warm in the morning or until at noon the wind sprang up from the East and
at evening it rained some. Noah Driscoll set his trap beyond Island Point in the morning
and was helped by Jas Strong and us in taking it unboard his skiff. JBM. hauled trap for
first time this season [&?] JR & got 2 tubs others around [abt?] did the same until very
The hook & line men all got some from trawls Levi Diamond captured a young Harp
seal on his trawl yesterday a singular occurrence & today we shipped its pelt on to st
John's via s.s. Ethie & rail
July 1, Wednesday
Wednesday July 1st
A dull day at first or until noon when it began to rain and continued throughout. A strong
easterly wind blowed all day in So much that the hook & line men or [trawlers?] did not
get on the grounds. The traps tho were haued [sic] with more cheery results Sml.
Woodld got 3 qtls Esau Harris 2 qtls others 6 tubs each. Caplin is now in abundance
and it is hoped that the wind & weather will be effective for good on land & sea
July 2, Thursday
Thursday July 2nd A continuation of the weather of yesterday with wind strong & more
northeasterly until evening when the wind ceased and the weather became still and quiet
owing to the wind lop & swell not all of the traps were hauled in the morning but among
those that did haul sml. Woodland did best getting 20 tubs or more J.B.M 11 & 9 at even
Noah Driscoll 3 ½ tubs & 3 qtls [at even] others got very little with the exception of
[ET?] he having traped [sic] 6 tubs in the am. To [sic] stormy again to day for the
trawlers to venture out. Our second boiling of liver was made to day & first press put in.
At even heard news of Rev. Mr Gaukrodger being instructed to remain with us another
July 3, Friday
Friday 3
A quiet day & fine with light Southerly wind J.B.M. traped [sic] 5 tubs in the morning
22 tubs at noon & about 6 qtls at even. All other traps nill except Jas. Goodwin sr. at eve
had 1 ½ qtls Line men little or none
Johney was to H.Hr & carted down goods and afternoon hauled cement & other goods to
Brownsdale. The mail brought news of the Rev. [H.T.?] James being stationed at H.Hr.
July 4, Saturday
Saturday 4 A fairly fine day with light wind J.M.B. trapps [sic] 5 tubs in the am 11 at
noon 7 at even N. Driscoll the Harris & J.G. also trapped several tubs. At dusk heard of
Wm R. & wm [G?] having trapped several qtls. which makes the prospects still bright
Caplin in abundance.
Wes Driscoll was to H.Hr in the afternoon with our horse & cart return at 7 pm with
some goods.
July 5, Sunday
Sunday 5 A dull day raining much of time with wind blowing lightly from E
Rev. M.G. preached in the am. S. School by J. Goodwin sr & evening service by J.G. jr.
when owing to the weather a small congregation was present.
July 6, Monday
Monday 6 A fine day but strong S.W. wind prevailed for nearly all the day. A better sign
of fish was found on trawls so that all got two or more tubs with traps in the morning
J.B.M. got 18 tubs 6 at noon & 2 even N. Driscoll 4 in the am others about 1 qtl. some
nill. only one or two traps was hauled at even partily owing to the strength of wind and
discouragement by hauling so others without results.
July 7, Tuesday
Tuesday 7 A continuation of the weather of yesterday but with higher temperature.
Owing possibly to the full moon a very strong tide was running this morning so that only
a few traps were hauled some had moorings broken & other damage to them. Among
those that hauled Esau Harris did the best in the nearest trap set having gotten five qtls.
J.B.M. got five tubs which was about the only to report Owing to tide the trawl men did
not get any thing but at evening Wm Barrett got 6 tubs which was the only lot got for the
Mr. S.E. Addey visited in the forenoon on business.
July 8, Wednesday
Wed 8 A fine day very warm considered by many to be the highest temperature yet this
season wind S.SW blowing strong all day. Traps haued [sic] in the morning strong tide
still running J.B.M. traped [sic] 5 tubs Clarkes 1 qtl. Woodland one Wm Harris 7 tubs
the first time hauling in [New skiff ?] also 9 qtls. at even. Esau Harris 5 qtl in the am am
[sic] & Noah Driscoll 3 [qtls in the am] others did not get anything. None of the traps
were hauled at noon but at evening the Diamond got a qtls [sic] S Woodland 3 tubs and
W.H. as reputed. Trawrlers [sic] a better sign in the morning than the previous day.
Francis Pynn carried the mail to day in the absence of Wm. Durdle who is ill and had our
mare & cart as a means of travel & for our business as well. John B.M & Co put bottom
in our only trap on shore & otherwise made all preparations for setting it tomorrow Mr.
J.W.J & Ashton Addey visited us at evening & proceeded on to Sibley Cove to formulate
a new Rd. Bd.
July 9, Thursday
“Thursday 9 The condition of” wind & weather about the same as Yesterday J.B.M.
Hauled I.R. trap in the a.m. and got 4 tubs the only lot for the day He with GM & A.B.
after ward, put out beyond the “collair” [sic] the second “winterton trap.” The Clarks ND
Will Harris & W averaged about 9 qtl or more each others still doing nothing Trawl men
& [hooks?] meet with better success Will Barrett trawled 10 tubs of a splendid qulty.
The Esau H & Bro. traped again this am about 6 qtls in trap Just be a short distance from
Birds Point.
“Julia Pynn [Morris?] was garding for us again today & trenched the outter [sic] parcel of
potato land Yesterday her & Mrs. Jas Snelgrove trenched the lower pc. & with Mrs R
Goodwin in the evening one strip of that on the Hill.”
July 10, Friday
Friday 10 bay again beautifuly [sic] fine with fresh S.W. wind until Evening when it
veered suddenly from the North & made a big swell & lop that the fishermen say was
surprising for the time a little sea was caused by it so that at night or nearer next morning
the [tides?] on IR. would break frequently the “Skiff” used by J.B.M moored of [sic] the
wharf came on shore and was broken considerably and only saved by timely help from
beg. broken to pieces. A little fish was taken today by JB.M the Harris’ [sic] & some by
the liners. I attended a school board meeting at H.Hr. in compy with Messrs Sparks &
Bryant & returned at 10 pm.
July 11, Saturday
Saturday 11 Fine but with strong Easterly wind and a little sea so that only the one or
two near by traps were hauled
E. Harris who got 2 qtls and W.H. about 1 qtl. J.B.M & Co spent the day repairing skiff
& did not haul at all. Gardens finished to day.
July 12, Sunday
Sunday 12th A fine day beautiful and clear with light wind. Joshua Goodwin led the a.m.
service but in the afternoon the Rev. Mr. Mallileu who came here on Friday night to
spend a little while with his friend the Rev Mr. Gaukrodger preached to a fine
congregation taking his text from Matthew 5 Chap verse delivered a splendid sermon
which delighted all his hearers He also after the service held a baptismal service and
baptized Wm Arthur the infant of Wm & Bessie Barrett. He also preached at Brownsdale
in the am & Sibly Cove pm and all the people spoke in loudest praise of his sermon At
evening Mr. John Snelgrove of Grate’s Cove in company with other men came here in
his motor boat & remained until dusk
July 13, Monday
Monday 13 A dull day with E. & N.E. wind & raining some for most of day Rev Mr.
Mallileu accompand by Rev Mr. G. left for O.P at 5 pm to connect with s.s. Ethie
tomorrow so as he may be on time for rail & stmrs. to take charge of his new mission at
Ephworth [sic] on Sunday. A better sign of fish was on in the am J.B.M. had 11 ½ tubs
in trap by the collars & at the I.R. several qtls at evening 4 tubs about 11 qtls for the day
N.D. 3 ½ qtls JC 6 qtls S.W. 1 ½ WH 1 ½. Esau H. two or more qtls others very little
All along the shore than the usual was taken by some. A skiff full & 8 qtls being
reported in several instances S Short at H.Hr. said to have had 20 qtls.
July 14, Tuesday
Tuesday 14 A fine day very little doing either with Traps or trawls a few tubs was the
most reported Capt. Sml. & Mrs. Short visited us at noon and remained for a while.
July 15, Wednesday
Wednesday 15 A dull day with showers of rain at intervals nearly all day. No
improvement in the fishery to day which is a matter of serious thought for all. The Schnr
“Ellen” came here at breakfast hour and discharged 30 Brl. Flour 25 hhds salt 1000 Brick
and other goods & left again at noon. Daughter Nellie left to day to spend a vacation at
Harbour Grace and Johney travelled with her as far as H. Hr he returning again at
evening. John C. Driscoll carried the mail today owing to the illness of Wm Durdle
July 16, Thursday
Thursday 16 Fine for most of the day Traps again hauled with poor results J.B.M &
E.H. getting a few tubs. Diamond got 2 or more qtls. from their trawls Jas Tuck & the
courier brough [sic] to us poor accounts of the Staits fishery
July 17, Friday
Friday 17 Fine but very sultry with a strong gale of s.w. wind blowing all day Traps
hauled in the am JBM 4 tubs E.H 8 tubs others practically nill. prospects dull as ever.
July 18, Saturday
Saturday 18 A fine day with Strong S.W. wind. Fishery today as blank as ever Noah
Driscoll traped [sic] a qtl or more E.H. 4 Tubs others one & two tubs at Evening
W.H.G. traped [sic] ½ qtl of very large fish Hook & line none. Abrm. Button who had
recently retd. from st. John’s was here to day & gave a report of his visit there,
concerning celebrations of [?] & [fishing? fishery?] matters.
July 19, Sunday
Sunday 19 Fine with light s.w. wind exceptionally sultry & warm am services cond. by
J.B.M. school by J.G. & the pm. service by Rev Mr G. who preach was [sic.] last verse of
Psalm 140 It was a very enjoyable & impressive service
July 20, Monday
Monday 20 S.S.W wind & very warm. Some fish was got by trawlers very little with
traps but the deeper traps got a little today which makes their chances seem more
improved. J.B.M removed trap No. 3 from Collars to Brandies & Esau H removed one
from Birds Point to near Brandies. Heard of fine catches being taken at New Chelsea
particularly WH. Button who is reported for having traped [sic] 40 qtls. very little from
Lead Cove along our shores
July 21, Tuesday
Tuesday 21 Very dull & raining a little until afternoon
The fishery prospects are more hopeful to day than at any time
J.BM. trapped 10 tubs at Brandies in the a.m. & about 3 in the evening, when on his
return he hauled trap No. I & [secured?] about 20 or 25 qtls of fish of immense size Noah
Driscoll having assisted him he trapped 8 tubs in the am others a tub or two. Wm Harris
also removed his trap set near the collars to Southy Brandies and after it being set abot
an hour hauled it and two [sic] a qtl from it.
Levi Diamond & Co. [Gigd?] 14 Tubs Joshua Goodwin abot. 6 Caplin still in abundance
July 22, Wednesday
Wednesday 22nd
Fine & warm perfect summers day with light s.w. wind. A decided improvement took
place in the trap today Wm. H. Goodwin 25 qtls took first place two or three others 10 to
16 & others 3 to 6 for the day all are now encouraged to hope that a saving voyage will
yet be secured. Great catches or [sic] now reported at Grate’s Cove Mr. Orr & his son
proprietor of the Bear Brand Rubber Co Joseph March & John Foot visited us in the
July 23, Thursday
Thursday 23rd A dull day with a little rain in the afternoon [&] at night wind S. light.
Traps here got a little fish J.B.M abt. 5 qtls. others 1- 2- &3. Traps at Brownsdale &
sibley Cove done well also at New Chelsea.
July 24, Friday
Friday 24 A similar day to that of yesterday. Some traps did well particularly several
here and along the shore who had got none before this season. The Clark traped [sic]
upwards of 20 qtls. & Zech R [upwards] of 15 [qtls.]
[The next few entries appear to be a follow-up of the cod liver oil factory diary. They
focus not on the building of the factory itself, but on various odd jobs Mr. Kelland did
after the factory was more or less finished. The general diary resumes on the reverse side
of the page.]
July 1914 Continuation of Mr. Kelland Labour
July 20, Monday
Monday July 20th Made two ladders for the shop and a frame for to be placed underneath
store in my home
July 21, Tuesday
Tuesday 21st Made a cover for the boiler and a shoot [sic] to be placed underneath the
same in Cod liver factory Removed work bench from second story of Shop and helped in
clearing up the refuse Afternoon did some work in the home
July 22, Wednesday
Wed. 22 Painted the front end of shop to day with the exception of ruberoid panellings
and entrance about the door way.
July 23, Thursday
Thursday 23 Finished the front end & the whole of the up & down facing on east end, at
evening made some repairs to weighing standard one post of which was rotten & he
replaced it.
July 24, Friday
Friday 24 Tuned & cleaned the organ in the forenoon and in the afternoon left for home
having worked with us since June 1st. 45 Days.
[The general diary resumes here, on the reverse side of page.]
July 25, Saturday
Saturday 25 A fine day with strong wind & owing to an unusually strong tide traps
could not be hauled after the morning when very little was taken by any person at
evening Mr. W.H. Button of New Chelsea visited us at evening & rem until midnight,
when owing to his horse having got away from him he had to travel home
July 26, Sunday
Sunday 26 A fine day but very warm with light wind nearly all day. Owing to the
absence, Rev Mr.G. had gone to [H. Hr. to supply?] for Rev M. [James?] the services
here were conducted by laymen.
Considerable labour in the taking in of cod trap set at “Upper Brandies” was experienced
by Wm Harris & Co to day. Owing to the strong tide of Yesterday it broke its mooring &
went adrift holding on to one mooring only. so they having some idea of its condition
brought it in & landed it on the wharf
July 27, Monday
Monday 27 They again put it out near the “hummock” and hope for better success than
has attended them all the time Today all the traps were hauled but none taken by any
except Noah Driscoll who got 3 tubs and their [sic] weren’t any taken here for the day
The wind & tide of Saturday it is thought had a very bad effect upon the fish and fears for
the return of the fish of last week is entertained by many. The day was dull with very
much rain thunder & lighing [sic] at evening.
July 28, Tuesday
Tuesday 28 Light west & North wind with a little rain nearly all day No fish taken by
any one in traps today except at Sibley Cove where the Sparkes are doing well. Caplin is
still in abundance
Joshua & Wm Goodwin were the only hook & line men out today & the former was very
successful in getting 15 tubs & the latter 10 tubs of very large fish & reports a good sign
on the grounds. Some of the men were doing road work for a while.
July 29, Wednesday
Wed. 29 Day fine with light W wind but a little more sea was on than usual J.B.M at 10.
a.m. left to set out again trap at the Brandies taken in on Monday owing to having gone
adrift by tide very little fish traped [sic] until evening when Geo W. Mansfield got 12 qtls
the first for season in his farthest away trap Fishermen reports having seen lots of fish on
the ground Abram Button of Lead Cove reported with having traped [sic] a large
quantity First news of European war heard at 11 am
July 30, Thursday
Thursday 30 Another bright fine day with light W wind until evening it veered to S. just a
light breeze sea a bit rough all day Indian Rock breaking constantly. John B.M_ who had
2 or 3 qtls Fish & Jos Clark at evening with 1 ½ had to land at Harris Place Z. Reid 10
qtls. Geo W. Mansfd 20 qtls Woodland 4 [qtls.] W H Goodwin 4 qtls other here nill at
Brownsdale C Brow [sic] 20 [& Aster? Thorns?] Able G & others did well.
The talk of the European struggle which now seems imminent is heard on every lip. Mr.
[G Hay?] the agent visit us
July 31, Friday
Friday 31st Weather in every respect same as yesterday Very little doing with fish in fact
all the traps got none at all except Wm Harris who traped [sic] 1 qtl. J.B.M. brought in
again the trap which he had set at the “Brandies” The news of the war between the
European powers was alarmingly felt by many to day and as a consequence the church
bell was rung and a school service held by Rev. Mr G– and prayers offered for the peace
of the world.
August 1, Saturday
Saturday August 1st Weather still fine with strong W. wind for the most of the day
Caplin still plentiful but nothing doing with traps or trawls altho lots are reported to be
seen on the bottom of a large size in a half lifeless condition owning to being overfed.
The tension in the war news was not relieved any to day but the outlook for a [strugle?] is
more ominous than ever and people fearing a lack of food supply has bought up all that
can be obtained from H Hr to Brownsdale Another service at noon was held again to
August 2, Sunday
Sunday 2nd
A lovely day with a nice breeze of s.w. wind. service conducted in the am by Joshua
Goodwin at noon by Rev. Mr G. & at night a prayer meeting for the peace of the world
was led by JBM. To day we heard of Germany having declared war on Rusia [sic] &
France and of England assisting France. Message was also sent from Capt. of HS.
[Calypso?] at st Johns to [request?] J.P. & Police Constable to notify all navl. reservists
to hold themselves in readiness for immediate struggle [sic]. At night heard of Martial
law proclaim [sic] throughout all Europe Mobilization of all the armies Parliament met
at Ottawa and stopped all exports serious time in the worlds history.
August 3, Monday and August 4, Tuesday
Monday 3rd & Tuesday 4th moderately fine very little doing either with traps or hooks this
war talk on every tongue and a disinclination to work by many.
August 4, Wednesday
Wed. 4th weather soft & lowry Geo. Mansfield traped [sic] 25 qtls fish this am. two or
three traps at Brownsdale did well. W.H. Goodwin 3 qtls J.B.M 1 qtl or more Hook &
line doing nothing. Noah Driscoll today took up & landed the trap at the Upper I. Point.
Mr. Vatcher mgste & his son visited us on his way to H.Hr and had some conversation on
the war which forebodes to have a disasterous effect on our country.
August 6, Thursday
Thursday 6th Day soft & lowry, light S.W. wind Geo. M. traped [sic] 7 qtls others a few
qtls. Dog fish plentiful bought about 180 gall. of cds Liver Yesterday and a quantity to
day mostly from people at Lead & Sibly Cove Nothing doing with trawls Caplin still
plentiful J.B.M took in Trap set at I. Rock today Wm Harris trapped a few tubs Mr.
Vatcher again visited us on his return home. I had a further chat about the war which all
are now beginning to feel the serious effects of.
August 7, Friday
Friday 7th A fine day with light wind Geo. W. Mansfield trapped 25 qtls fish & one or
two others of neighbouring places did well. Caplin still plentiful Rev Mr. Pitt of Broad
Cove visited us at noon. Mr Wm H. Button & sons of New Chelsea came here at 8 pm in
motor boat with flour & other goods which came by way of S.S. Ethie. Night fine &
clear with moon so that he had a pleasant time. War cloud darkening and the world
peace seems a long way of [sic]. Elisha cut the grass in small meadow by facty.
August 8, Saturday
Saturday 8 wind & weather similar to yesterday A little fish got in the 3 or more deep
traps & at dusk G.W.M had 18 qtls or thereabout all others nill people today with an
indisposition for work owing to the war & the droping [sic] in the price of fish and the
substantial advance in food stuffs.
August 9, Sunday
Sunday 9th A beautiful day Rev. Mr. Pitt left for preaching appointments Johney
accompanying him at evening he preached here taking his text from Luke 2nd Chp. 2 &
3rd verses he afterward held after service. Dr. Barrs visited us for a few minutes in the
afternoon & Dr. pickard of Old Perlican visited Elisha at dinner hour.
August 10, Monday and August 11, Tuesday
Monday 10 & Tuesday 11th
Fine day with light wind and a rather rough sea or so that the I.R. would send the foams
from its water all the way to shore. The schnr “Ellen” came here at Dusk on Monday
evening landed one skiff load of brick & lumbr but owing to the sea had difficulty in
doing so and did not discharge any more until Tuesday morning when the lot was
discharged. The conditions of affairs in st Johns owing to the war was related by the
Capt to the dismay of many.
Very little fish was taken by traps with one or two exceptions but bait or [sic]
doing much better. Mr. Kelland visited us at breakfast hour Tuesdy
August 12, Wednesday
Wed. 12 Fine & warm with light S.W. wind sea abating some No fish taken by any one
today worth relating & many of the bottoms of traps torn greatly by tide. Caplin begin to
disappear & very few in the sand now. Mr. Kelland left again at noon for his home.
Johney with two friends here apple picking. Nothing very startling in war dispatches to
day. The Embargo placed on Florizel Bruce & [?] was removed again to day
Fresh hay cut in meadow by shop today Last caplin secured for bait.
August 13, Thursday
Thursday 13 Day similar to Yestrdy. Nothing doing with fish owing to scarcity of Bait.
Traps are now being taken on shore again wife left with Noah Driscoll in wagon for
Grate’s Cove abot [sic] 8 am and returned at 11 pm & brought from their [sic] three
young pigs The seriousness of the war situation is still the talk and the depreciable value
of fish etc. is dispiriting in the extreme [sic]
August 14, Friday
Friday 14 Fine and very warm with s.w. wind & light. All the trap men were engaged to
day bringing them on shore so that only one of G.M. remains out now. Fish is scarce
with hook. Caplin has gone, and the squid has not made its visit to our shore this season.
The combination of the war and its effect on trade & commerce lessening the price of
fish and making it unsaleable for cash is having a disastrous effect every day. Mrs. Sml
& M. Short with with [sic] Miss Burnett visited us in the afternoon & Rev Mr. G. Rodger
who had been away to Broad Cove since the 4th returns also
August 15, Saturday
Saturday 15 Fine & warm fishery at a stand still neither caplin nor squid to be procured
war still having deadly effect on all. wife’s brother Sml. Bagger visited us at
August 16, Sunday
Sunday 16 Rev Mr. James the new pastor of H.Hr. mission preached in the morning from
27 Psalm 14 verse after the service took dinner with us. Miss Mira Pelly accompanied
him he afterward left for the down shore mission
School was suptd. in the after noon by Jas Goodwin sr & a preaching services at night by
Rev Saml. Baggs who preached from John’s Gospel 15 Chp. part of the 4th verse “abide
in me”
August 17, Monday
Monday 17 Very warm & fine with light sw. wind Sandy Pelly of H.Hr. came here at
breakfast hour in his little boat & brough [sic] 30 Brls. Flour 1 Brl. Beef & 2 Brls Sugar
which was landed of of [sic] s.s. Ethie on Friday night. Going to war hard times are
being felt by many and it is a trying and difficult time to do business
August 18, Tuesday
Tuesday 18th Fine for a greater part of day. Nearly all the men was at work on the roads.
Had a busy day in the shop Mail at evening brot [sic] news of advances in all foods stuff
& particularly meats etc. Sugar is now 10¢
August 19, Wednesday
Wed 19 A Dull day until evening at times there were frequent showers of rain At
eventide it became fine & clear to a nice evening No event of importance to day save the
war which is the daily talk by all. Quite a few customers visited us all thro the day.
August 20, Thursday and August 21, Friday
Thursday 20 Friday 21 A [movement?] of things in its usual way save for war news
which is still exciting the minds & lives of all
August 22, Saturday
Saturday 22nd
A wet day until evening when it lighted & became a little fine The wind blew a gale
from South nearly all the day which was a one spent in leisure by most people. Nellie
who had been away since July 21st returned at 8 pm. Mr. C. G. Rendell of Heart’s
Content & his wife accompanied her through whos [sic] kindness she was brought along
from Heart’s Content
August 23, Sunday
Sunday 23rd A lovely day with westerly wind & bracing fresh air Rev. sml. Bags
preached in the morning from John Luke 24 Chap 49 (part) verse attended school in the
afternoon & addressed it & preached at night again from Luke Chap. 13 verse 24. Good
congregation attended & enjoyable services throughout. Mr. & Mrs. Rendell left for
their house again at dusk.
August 24, Monday
Monday 24. Dull & weather unsuited for the making of fish & hay. Two crews left in
the early morning for to carrying on the fishing for the rest of the season at Bay de Verde.
Caplin made its appearance again at Whales Brook and also at this & other places and
was obtained for bait. Sandy Pelly came here at breakfast hour & brot. 10 brls flour 1 Brl
R. oats brl. Oatml which was landed from HHr from Ethie
August 25, Tuesday
Tuesday 25th Another dull day Little doing. Heard of German success in war very
dispiriting news. Proclamation recd. today asking for enlistment of volunteers. Business
dull little doing Fish fairly plentiful on grounds at Lead Cove
August 26, Wednesday
Wednesday 26 A fine day cold with strong N.W. wind Wm H. Goodwin took in his trap to
day the last to be taken up as two others were taken in on Monday strong tides having
wrought bad work to them. several that were dried were stored today Fish & hay
making were attended to with vigor. Elisha had the assistance of Francis Pynn today for
3 or 4 hrs and finished cutting all the hay in meadow except a little in the inner corner.
War news today was not so disconcerting and at night heard of tremendous loss of
Austrians by servians [sic]. Heard from Garnishee today and reported [no?]
August 27, Thusday
Thursday 27 A fine day splendid for fish & hay making Simeon Hopkins in schnr. Ellen
came here at dusk and discharged puncheon mols & a skiff load of other goods Quite a
sea was on at the time which created anxiety until landed. Wife her brother & her niece
left in the afternoon for HHr. in response to invitation to attend [?] Picnic they returned
again at midnight
August 28, Friday
Friday 28th Beautifully fine and warm again today. people busily engaged attending to
fish & hay making. In the afternoon Misses Kent & Donnelly of Bay de Verde neice
[sic] & sister of Father Donnelly visited us & remained for a few hours.
Mr. stephen Cramm & his daughter who visited us yesterday on their way to H.Hr. also
made a brief stay on their way home again.
August 29, Saturday
Saturday 29th A continuation of the fine weather enjoyed all this week. Traps fished by
woodlands & Harrises stored today they having returned from Bay de Verde for this
purpose & reports fish fairly plentiful there.
Three O. Perlican men on their way to H.Hr. called in to shop & reported that 30 of the
young men of that place had enlisted in the Volunteer Movement. War news recd. to day
as full of interest as ever. No abatement of strife.
August 30, Sunday
Sunday 30 A fine day with light S.W. wind Service in the morning held by Joshua
Goodwin school suptd. by Jas. Goodwin Evening services by Rev Mr. Gaukrodger text
from 20 Chp. 1st Kings’ verse Rev S. Baggs was to [sic] ill to lead services
August 31, Monday
Monday, 31 A rainy day for the first part with strong s. wind so that none of the men
could engage at fishing and very little work was done by any. The news of the war still
engaged the attention of all.
At dusk Wm Buttons [sic] son of N.C. [brough?] us some goods previously landed at
September 1, Tuesday
Tuesday 1st A dull rainy day for a time Not much doing on land or sea. Two crews
Reid & Driscolls left in the early morning to fish for a while in Bacalieu [sic] Tickle
War news of all importance as ever. Volunteer movement still at its height. no
abatement in strife
September 2, Wednesday
Wednesday 2 A fine day with light s.w wind but quite a sea on. Hay & fish making
vigorously attended to. Miss M. Smith the new school teacher arrived at 9 am being brot.
here from H.Hr. by Mr. Bryant if first impressions are lasting than those formed by us
each of Miss Smith are those qualities of kindness gentleness & love. That she may be of
great service here religiously & educationally we all hope. Rev Mr. Muir of Old Perlican
visited us in the afternoon and remained with us until after tea going by by [sic] the
fine beautiful moon light.
September 3, Thursday
Thursday 3 Still another fine day much hay gathered in from innermost gardens. The
two clerics Mrs. [sic] G. & B. spent the day repairing carriage School reopenened [sic]
to day The first time since June and the first time by new teacher Miss Smith. Quite a
big sea was on again to day in so much that none of the fishermen could launch out
September 4, Friday
Friday 4 A dull day until noon when it cleared and became fine but continued very sultry
& somewhat oppressive. The two clerics was again all day at work on carrg [sic] &
completed the job with help of JC. Driscoll and made it very secure. A sea was on today
and the fishermen was still debarred by it. Sister sarah and the teacher of New Chelsea
Miss Butt visited us at evening. Joseph Clark was at Sibley Cove and hauled home the
cod trap fished by Jas. Sparks. News of the opening of the Legislature for war session
contained in the news papers [sic] & the progress of the war made for much interesting to
September 5, Saturday
Sat. 5th Weather similar to Yesterday and very suited for fish or hay making. No event
save war news worth relating sister sarah & teacher returned again at evening being
driven home by Rev. S. Baggs who also whent [sic] to HHr for our mail & returned soon
after tea hr.
September 6, Sunday
Sunday 6th A very pleasant day service conducted in the morning by Rev. Mr. James
School Supt’d by Rev Baggs he also preached at evening from Luke Chap. verse
and [? ? after?] of each service was very inspiring. Miss Smith performed the duties of
organist at each service
September 7, Monday
Monday 7th A dull day with some rain and rainy appearances all the day At midnight
Johny left with horse & wagon & drove Rev Mr Gaukrodger his uncle S Bagg and niece
Pearl accompanying them to Old Perlican
September 8, Tuesday
Tuesday 8th Raining a little at times all the day Johney arrived again at evening A better
sign of fish is now on the grounds than has been for weeks
September 9, Wednesday
Wed. 9th A fairly fine day but a little cold with N.W. wind J.B. Mansfd was fishing for a
time and trawls several tubs. Wm. H. Button of New Chelsea brot. us at noon a cart load
of goods from s.s. Ethie. At evening we attended (Elisha & [myself?]) the funeral of
Richard Button of Lead Cove at Sibley Cove and heard Rev. Mr. James preach from Col.
a splendid sermon in which he eulogized the good life of the deceased we returned
again soon after the burial.
September 10, Thursday
Thursday 10th A little fine and cold with Northrly wind several punts fishing today two or
three did excptly well J.B.M. 10 Tubs GWM 13 tubs all of splendid size Elisha went to
H.Hr. with mail man on law matters re writs to be served on Roland Critch & Jordan
Bearns. Heard results of C.H.E. exams. Johny passed with Honors in Intermediate
[Nelly Reid?] & Isabella Goodwin in primary Johny hauled from New Chelsea 10 Brl.
Flour two cart loads having gone there twice
September 11, Friday
Friday 11 A Dull day & cold with Notherly wind & some sea on still a few boats were
out & got some fish. David Rogers was with us quite a while put in two presses & did
some work to the scruntchings
Wm Barrett also spent 3 hrs cutting grass
September 12, Saturday
Satdy 12th Notherly wind & cold ctd. but weather a little finer & warmer at noon sea sea
on J.B.M. out fishing & got 6 tubs fish Wm. Barrett was with us 5 hrs. cutting grass in the
inner field. Dvd. Rogers was at work in factory forenoon and afterward helped at the fish
Rev Mr. James was down to Brownsdale burried [sic] Mr. Bryants little boy and when he
came here wife & Johney accmpanied him to HHr They with Miss Smith & Nellie who
whent to H.Hr the day previous returned again at midnight.
September 13, Sunday
Sunday 13 A nice fine day with Westerly wind service led in the a.m. by Joshua
Goodwin at noon or evening by Kenneth Richards who had been a probationer until
recently at night by Jas. Goodwin Jr.
No war news recd. to day.
September 14, Monday
Monday 14 A delightfully fine day with light W wind Some punts fishing got little as the
bait is scarce In the afternoon we put in much hay the largest lot at one time this season.
A large quantity of berries was picked to day as that season is now on but the price 12¢
is dispiriting. The price of fish now $550 is likewise
September 15, Tuesday
Tuesday 15 Weather in every respect same as Yesterday. Nearly all the people engaged
in the bery [sic] industry The price of this article and the fish is now disgusting to the
people. The war news the last few days is of a more cheery disposition the Germans
meetings reverses at the hands of the Allies all the time
September 16, Wednesday
Wed 16th A dull cold day very fall like with Notherly wind. The schr. “Garnishee arrived
in the early morning but owing to the wind rising sudenly [sic] frm [Noth?] had to leave
again for H Hr. she sailed from here Monday June 15th so was away just three months &
now returns very poorly fished reckoning to have 100 qtls. perhaps less. The cutting of
our grass was finished to day by Wm Barrett and E & myself with horse spent some time
gathering it up so as to have it easy for spreading when weather suitable The war has a
large part in peoples conversation but fish & berries & the price too is of much
September 17, Thursday
Thursday 17 Cold & raining with Notherly wind and a big sea on so that three punts now
on the collars filled with water owing to the weather all were at leisure today
September 18, Friday
Friday 18 Weather wind & sea in like manner as Yesterday Heard of losses by the storm
of fishery Goods & other property at Island Cove Grate’s Cove & other place in
Conception Bay & drowning of a man at Western Bay
September 19, Saturday
Saturday 19 Wind & sea abating some. The weather still unpleasant with some rain
So much so that no labour was done by any person. First berries purchased for the season
Bot several brls. today and was a little more busily engaged than for several days past
Johny left for H.Hr. for Berry brls. but had to return again soon after owing to the rain.
September 20, Sunday
Sunday 20 A fairly pleasant day with better weather & W. wind. Service in the a.m. &
school in the afternoon led by Joshua & Jas. Goodwin Sr. and the 6 pm. service by Rev.
Mr. James who preached from St Luke 3rd Chap 36 to the end of Chp. The sermon was
an admirable discussion listed to attentively by a large congregation
September 21, Monday
Monday 21 Wind S.w. & fine but not very drying so that fish & hay did not receive much
benefit. Johny was to HHr with mare & carted down 9 Berry brls. Wm Barrett was to
work with us 8 hrs. empted & put in two preses [sic] & did some work to berries, in the
afternoon he laid with cement the foundation for the building in of iron pot in wing of
facty. F Pynn did some coopering to berry brls spending the afternoon at the work. The
Rev Mr. Muir visited us at dinner hour & purchased a cow & calf of GW. Mansfield.
The war is still upermost [sic] in people’s mind being as serious as ever
September 22, Tuesday
Tuesday 22 Fairly fine so that Hay & fish recd the benefits of the suns rays Johney was
to Lead Cove in the forenoon with oil casks & in the afternoon we finished the
Harvesting of our Hay for this season
September 23, Wednesday
Wednesday 23 A fine day with light s.w. wind but owing to some sea being on in the am
the Garnishee did not make any attempt to come here
people were busy today picking & selling berries but the want of barrels is [sorely?] felt
for that purpose The destroying of 3 British Crusiers [sic] of 12000 tons each with their
crews of 755 men each was heard at noon & is all the talk
Caplin to [sic] has been in the sands and at several places for days.
September 24, Thursday
Thursday 24 A fine drying day & very warm as was also Yesterday wind light from S.W
& sea very smooth. The Garnishee came here soon after 7 am and with the help of some
hired help began discharging the summer fishery supplies also 30 unused Hhds. salt
about 100 qtls. fish and other things finishing soon after noon. The schooner being
hauled in by the wharf at high water at the time of the commencement of the work and
the water having droped [sic] to low tide during the interval she could not be gotten of
[sic] again consequently had to stay much to our anxiety until all night
September 25, Friday
Friday 25th A continuation of the fine civil weather of yesterday with sea still & smooth
The schnr. Garnishee was got ready for the lifting of the tide and by 9 am was greatly to
our relief floated of [sic] again easily & safely and after being balasted [sic] left again for
Hants Hr. The day was uneventful in other respects save for war news
September 26, Saturday
Sat 26th A fair day with light wind & undisturbed sea Some of the Garnishees fish was
washed to day. Joseph Clark was to H. Hr for a few berry brls for us & later Johney
whent [sic] there for goods landed from s.s. Ethie Wm Barrett & F Pynn spent 8 hrs
September 27, Sunday
Sunday 27th A fine day but with a storm of West wind which blew with hurrican [sic]
force all day so much that the waters by the sea shore was taken up & folded into clouds
of foam The morning service & Sunday school conducted by the usual laymen but at the
evening service Rev Mr. Gaukrodger who had been away to [Burin?] for forthnight
returned & gave us a sermon [today?] on the war taking his text from Romans Chap
vere [sic] as much as lieth in you etc. after service he spent some time with us relating
his travels etc.
September 28, Monday
Monday 28 The day had the appearance of being fine in the early morning with strg
W.w. wind but by noon it was Easterly & blew strong the evening it eased considerably
Francis Pynn was at work with us to day taring the [store?] but in the afternoon had to
leave of [sic] as the weather was to [sic] rainy. The Garnishee fish was finished washed
to day. Miss F. Cram of O.P. visited us at seven & remained all night. Johney again had
the assistance of Joseph Clark in doing factory work for a while
September 29, Tuesday
Tuesday 29 Weather rainy & unpleasant with sea on not much doing. Things generally
at a stand still.
September 30, Wednesday
Wed. 30 Not much change since Yesterday In the early part of day heard of the death of
the Rev. Mr. Muir of Old Perlican
October 1, Thursday
Thursday Oct. 1st
Weather a little clearer but not very suited for drying purposes Will Barrett was with us
8 hrs. today and after filling two casks with oil and other things in the factory began
building in with brick an iron pot for general use. The weather war & fish none of which
has been shipped of [sic] this shore this season is still now the subject of
October 2, Friday
Friday 2 Cold Notherly wind with some sea on. Very little labour doing Wm Barrett
spent 9 hrs. at same work as yesterday Rev. Mr G– attended funeral of Rev. Mr. Muir
O.P. At evening heard of the loss by Sundays gale of S Short & sons Schnr at the Isle au
Bois the “Lottie M” At tea hour uneasiness was manifested over Levi Diamond & others
who left Bay de Verde at 6 am.
October 3, Saturday
Saturday 3 A little fine but a sea on with light wind Wm. Barrett spent 9 hrs. work
building in [pot?]. Mr. Saml. Short & wife visited us at evening & we arranged about the
selling of our fish to him which is now the general [?] of interest locally.
October 4, Sunday
Sunday 4 A fine day but cold with easterly wind Rev Mr. G. preached in the am From
[24?] Luke the bring of the spices etc. Sunday school & Evening service cond by Jas
Goodwin sr & Jr
October 5, Monday
Monday 5 Moderately fine but not suitable for curing of fish Wind blew a gale from s.w.
which had a soothing effect upon the sea F. Pynn spent ½ evg first tarring store & part of
stage Wm Barrett spent 9 ½ hrs. building Chmy in wing of factory The Disposing of fish
& the war still engage peoples time & attention.
October 6, Tuesday
Tuesday 6 A fine day with strong N.W. wind sea smooth Spent from 10 am until dusk
weighing fish in all 264 qtls & stowed in store all of our traps fish except the Mess [sic]
Clarks First potatoes was diged by us today Johney alone diging abt a brl Wm Barrett
spent 8 ½ hrs at work finishing the chimy in the wing & commenced the one in factory
F. Pynn spent about the same time tarring the stage. The night until 11 am [sic] was
spent reading war news to quite a crowd in shop.
October 7, Wednesday
Wed. 7 A Beautiful fine day with West wind & a little cold
The schnr. Ellen came here at Breakfast hr. & discharged 115 Brls. Flour Mol. [Meat?] &
other goods which took much of the day to stow awy. Several qtls fish was again to day
weighted & stored. Elisha & Johney was also at Lead Cove & shipped 48 qtls. by
Lucinda. wife Johney & Miss Smith drove to H.Hr in the evening Last press of
scruncheons this am. Berries hauled from factory to wharf & other preparations made for
loading Lucinda tomorrow if weather permits.
October 8, Thursday
Thursday 8 Wind rainey in the morning clearing in the afternoon. The Schnr. Garnishee
left H.Hr to come here to load in the early morg but put back again. The barreling of
berries and such things preparatory to her coming here & the usual routine of business
followed. At evening wife & teach & Johny drove to H.H. and returned again in the
early morning of Friday
October 9, Friday
Friday 9 A lovely day throughout with light W. wind. Garnishee came here at about 7
am took unboard her season catch of soft cure qtls [?] after which 378 was weighed
& put unboard from store but night had shut out the daylight see the work was done &
the schnr. not being quite filled & the night fine remand at anchor to be filled up
tomorrow. Miss Jessie Butt now teaching at Heart’s Content but who taught her [sic] six
yrs ago & Mrs. Hopkins visited us at even
October 10, Saturday
Saturday 10 Still another beautiful fine day a like temperature as yesterdy. Commenced
the work of finishing the loading of Garnishee in the early morning.
50 qtls. & 69 tubs Berries was put unboard & she left for st Johns at abt. 10 am. under
favourable wind & smooth sea.
Johny & Abel Cummins spent the rem. of the day digging potatoes J- with David
Rogers was also engaged in same work yesterday. Wm. Barrett finished building chimy
in factory to day Miss Butt & Mrs. Hopkin referred to yesterday left again at 4 pm. The
news of the war is as exciting as ever & the capture of Antwerp by the Germans was the
startling news in the dispatch at evening which it was said surrendered to them last
October 11, Sunday
Sunday 11 A dull day with East wind for a while
Joshua Goodwin led service in the morning Rev. Mr. G in the afternoon preaching from
the Golden Calf Jas G. Jr read a sermon at night [Jas G.] sr after service went with our
horse & wagon to sibly Cove & drove home Rev. Mr G.
October 12, Monday
Monday 12 A fairly fine day with light wind from W. and after veered more notherly
The day was not very eventful but passed of [sic] in the usual routine of business.
Several messages respecting Garnishees load of fish passed between us & parties
Thomas Leawood of schnr. “stella” paid us a visit on business & settled satisfactorily
October 13, Tuesday
Tuesday 13 A fine clear day but a little cold. Business was a little brisk in the early
noon. Sergeant March of O.P. came here at 11 am. on business concerning debts of
several parties who are not acting decently & rem. until evening wife Teacher & Johney
visited sister at New Chelsea at evening & retd. at 10 am. Jabz Clark spent from 8.20 am
until 5.15 digging potatoes
October 14, Wednesday
Wed. 14 Another fine day with W. Wind. Jabz Clark with [Mary?] spent the day
digging potatoes finishing the Garden by the brook and the lower strip of the garden on
the hill. Business was about the same as usual The day was not very eventful save for
war news which told of a revolt in South Africa and the declaring of martial law
throughout the whole union.
October 15, Thursday
Thursday 15 Still another fine day with a strong gale of S.W. wind The Schnr. “Stella”
of which we are [interested?] was at Brownsdale to day & loaded John B. Mansfield was
at Lead Cove in the forenoon & carted up for us 7 qtls & 52 lbs fish. Jabz Clark Chesly
Driscoll & Louisa Goodwin spent the day digging potatoes 11 bades [sic] now in Hill
garden remains to be digged. War news not very exciting to day. Business at evening
October 16, Friday
Friday 16 A dull day with a little rain in the forenoon at evening it cleared. Wind light
s.w. Jabz Clark spent a little time in garden digged two bades [sic] & owing to rain ceasd
Business in office & shop took all our time & attention to day as many customers visited
us. War news not very optimistic
October 17, Saturday
Saturday 17 A fine day with light W wind Jabz Clark M[A?] Rogers Ches Driscoll &
Louisa Goodwin spent forenoon digging potatoes & finish them Francis Pynn was at
work all day whitewashed & painted the [facings?] of small store. Wm Barrett was also
at work 8 hrs. No [stiring?] event to day save war news which was not very exciting
October 18, Sunday
A fine day but a little cold
Morning service & Sunday school led by Jas Goodwin jr & sr. At night Rev Mr G. led a
prayer service according to English programme for such occasion for the cessation of the
war & for universal peace The service was much enjoyed
October 19, Monday
Monday 19 A splendidly fine day wind N.W. light The schnr. Lucinda was on the shore
at Lead Cove discharging freight. John Bury son of William died at 11 am. to day after a
few months illness.
I spent all day doing office work. Business was fairly brisk today
October 20, Tuesday
Tuesday 20 A dull day with Southerly wind. Had no workman employed to day. This
was another day spent almost entirely at office work filling out a/c and so forth. At
evening Mr. McNulty the travelling agent of the Nfld [Mting?] Co visited us and talked
business for a while and gave him an order
October 21, Wednesday
Wednesday 21 Fairly fine with West wind. Very busy office work Mr WH Button New
Chelsea hrr. [sic] Attended the burial of John Bury at 2 pm Orange parade & so forth
large attendance of [Orange] men evening busy in shop Garnishee arrived at abt 8 pm
stayed at anchor all night.
October 22, Thursday
A dull day wind spray up from the North at abt 10 am Garnishee discharged with the
exception of some flour & left for H.Hr at 10.30. The rest of the day was exceptionall
[sic] busy in shop & office many customer calling on us & several a/c settled
October 23, Friday
Friday 23. A Cold Chilly day with a gale of Notherly wind & quite a sea on. A busy day
again in shop & office Jospeh Coombs here pd. him $58.00 to square a/c. for grapnels
etc. Several people from along the shore here & brot. oil & settled a/cs. Will Barrett &
his wife spent yesterday & today cleaning up cod liver factory & finished Joseph Clark
was to Lead Cove yesterday & today with our mare & carted up a load of oil each
October 24, Saturday
Saturday 24 A fairly fine day Not very eventful save for war news Business about the
same as usual
October 25, Sunday
Sunday 25 A fine day sea smooth Rev. Mr. G. away all day [supply?] at Old Perlican
services here conducted by each of the laymen Goodwins
October 26, Monday
Monday 26 A dull day with rain during part of afternoon and a sea on having arose
during night. The schnr. Garnishee intended calling here but could not. Many customers
around to day and was Kept busy thoroughout [sic]
October 27, Tuesday
Tuesday 27 Still another rainy day & the night more so. Wind blowing strong from s.
Very little labour was done by any today war the talk of the day. Business fairly
October 28, Wednesday
Wedday [sic] 28 Lots of rain last night and this am so that the land is well soaked
The afternoon was fairly fine
Business attended to all day several settled acts. fairly satisfactory war new [sic] of an
exciting nature
October 29, Thursday
Thursday 29, A splendidly fine day with light s.w. wind & smooth sea as nice a day as it
is possible for the fall to produce. The schnr Garnishee came here in the early morning
discharged some freight took unboard 80 qtls fish left for Brownsdale dale [sic] & 81 5/8
more & was put unbord of her when she again returned here & took oil hoops & other
items Lucinda & Mary was also on the shore for freight. Lots of customers was around
to day and it was not till dusk that we got all served
Mr. stephen Cramm light keeper of old Perlican came to see us to day and remained until
October 30, Friday
Friday 30th Fairly fine all the day with light Southerly wind Garnishee left about 10-30
last night and arrived at St John’s 3 pm today rather unexpected by all. A fairly busy
day in shop but not the rush of the last days. No very stirring events to day save for the
evening dispatch re war at evening which told of the activity of the Turks Bro also recd
message from Commander of “Calipso” [sic] asking for volunteers for Navy.
October 31, Saturday
Saturday A very stormy day blowing a gale of [?] wind & heavy rain storm until the
afternoon when it cleared some The day passed quietly by a few customers were here all
the time & business attended to promptly.
Sunday, November 1
Sunday Nov 1st
A fine clear day with light wind Johney & Rev Mr. G. drove to H.Hr in the morning &
returned again nearing midnight wife & Miss smith travelled to Brownsdale & attended
the preaching service at night
Rev. Mr. James preached here in the am from 2nd Chronicle 16 Cap vers His subject
was the European war & was attentively listened to & enjoyed School led by Jas
Goodwin sr & prayer meeting at 7 pm by J.B.M
Monday, November 2
Monday 2nd a Dull day with very light wind. Many customers around all day & was kept
busy throughout. War between Turkey & England declared to day other news [vy?]
exciting. At night C.G. Rendell & Mr. W.H. Button visited us for a short while
Tuesday, November 3
Tuesday 4 [sic] A dull day with light N wind was busy in shop and office all day Many
people settling a/cs. Recd. upwards of $500.00 wife Miss S. & Rev. Mr. G. drove to
H.Hr at evening & returned at midnight.
Wednesday, November 4
Wed. 5th [sic] A dull day with Notherly [sic] wind & sleet or snow flurries at times all
day. Another busy day in shop & office did fairly good business to day those settling
accts. being satisfactory. Elisha with Jas. strong attended an Ag. Brd. Meeting at H.H.
leaving here about 10.30 & retn. at tea hr.
War news stirring & exciting to day Dispatches record the sinking of 4 Brittish [sic] [?]
ships by Germans sunday [? near?] Valpariso [sic]
Thursday, November 5
Thursday 6 [sic] A dull day with sleet & snow nearly all the day wind Eastly. Business
attended to. Several a/c pd. but although keept [sic] engaged it was not quite equal with
the last days Mr. Philip Button of Old Perlican came here at breakfast hour and left again
in the afternoon his daughter Edith who had been living with us for more than 12 mos.
going home with him.