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“Dad - Centre Front. Government of the Day. Names on Border” [Union members elected under the Liberal Reform banner in 1919 - Richard Hibbs, Fogo; John Abbott, Bonavista; Robert G. Winsor, Bonavista; Walter Jennings, Twillingate; Archibald Targett, Trinity; John Guppy, Trinity; W.F. Coaker, Bonavista; Solomon Samson, Twillingate, William W. Halfyard, Trinity; George Jones, Twillingate; J.H. Scammell, St. Barbe]
(The name Roland G. Winsor corrected to Robert G. Winsor, Jan 06, 2008.)
[ca. 1919]
The Camilla Coaker Albums
Location no.:
VA 82-20.2
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