Questionnaire Image Page 6 (76k) Questionnaire Image Page 7 (85k) Questionnaire Image Page 8 (86k) Questionnaire Image Page 9 (87k) Questionnaire Image Page 10 (76k)
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24. Did you own any land in (old community)?
a. [ ] no
b. [ ] yes: ___________________
(acres or lot size)
25. Before you moved here (there), did you own any land in
(recipient community)?
a. [ ] no
b. [ ] yes: __________________
(acres or lot size)
26. How much land do you now own in (recipient community)?
a. [ ] none
b. [ ] own land: ___________________
(acres or lot size)
c. [ ] only that mentioned in Question 25.
27. Do you feel the land you have now is as good, better than, or
not as good as the land you had in (old community)?
a. [ ] just as good
b. [ ] better than
c. [ ] not as good
d. [ ] n/a
28. At the time you moved from (old community), did you own:
a. [ ] telephone
b. [ ] television
c. [ ] radio______(no.)
d. [ ] record player
e. [ ] washing machine
f. [ ] sewing machine
g. [ ] vacuum cleaner
h. [ ] stove, elec./gas (oil): other than wood or coal
i. [ ] refrigerator, elec./gas (oil)
j. [ ] other: _______________________ _________________________
29. Do you now own (have):
a. [ ] telephone
b. [ ] television
c. [ ] radio________(no.)
d. [ ] record player
e. [ ] wahing machine
f. [ ] sewing machine
g. [ ] vacuum cleaner
h. [ ] stove, elec./gas (oil): other than wood or coal
i. [ ] refrigerator, elec./gas (oil)
j. [ ] other: _______________________ _________________________
30. When you lived in (old community), in the year before you moved
did you have any of the following household bills to pay:
a. [ ] fuel (oil) bills: $________/month
b. [ ] electricity bills: $________/month
c. [ ] telephone bills: $________/month
d. [ ] other:__________ $________/year
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31. Do you now pay any of the following household bills:
a. [ ] fuel (oil) bills: $_________/month
b. [ ] electricity bills: $_________/month
c. [ ] telephone bills: $_________/month
d. [ ] other:__________________ $_______/year
32. Do you own a car.
a. [ ] no
b. [ ] yes:__________ ____________________
(make) (bought new or used)
33. If own a car: What year is it?
a. [ ] 1966 e. [ ] 1962 i. [ ] 1958
b. [ ] 1965 f. [ ] 1961 j. [ ] 1957
c. [ ] 1964 g. [ ] 1960 k. [ ] 1956
d. [ ] 1963 h. [ ] 1959 l. [ ] 1955
m. [ ] before 1955: _________
Fishing and Fishing Organization
34. Interviewer: Omit this section if respondent (head of household)
was not a fisherman in his old settlement.
When you lived back in (old settlement), did you fish alone or
with other people?
a. [ ] fished alone
b. [ ] fished with other people
35. If fished with other people: With whom did you fish?
a. [ ] with friends:__________(no.)
b. [ ] with relatives: _________________
_________________ _______
_________________ (no.)
c. [ ] other:_______________________________________________
36. If fished with other people in old settlement:
After you moved, what happened to the crew with whom you used
to fish?
a. [ ] all stayed together and fished in new place
b. [ ] some stayed together, others left
c. [ ] all broke up, no longer fish together
d. [ ] other:_______________________________________________
37. If crew broke up (wholly or partly): Why did everyone not stay
in the crew and continue fishing in a new place?
Ans: _______________________________________________________
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38. If fished with other people and was or is a fisherman in
recipient settlement:
Since the time you began fishing in this (recipient) settlement,
have you ordinarily fished:
a. [ ] with all of the members of the old crew
b. [ ] only with some of the members of the old crew, but no
new people
c. [ ] with some of the old crew and some new members
d. [ ] with all new members
39. How large is your present crew?
(no. of persons)
40. Have you ever done any of the following jobs:
a. [ ] built a house
b. [ ] built a boat
c. [ ] set & repair fish traps, nets
d. [ ] cut & log timber/pulp
e. [ ] repair service engine
f. [ ] install wiring in a house, etc.
g. [ ] install plumbing in a house, etc.
h. [ ] operate heavy equipment:________(type)
i. [ ] other:______________________________________________
41. Have you ever worked on a military base or in a city or large
a. [ ] no
b. [ ] yes:_______________
(nature of work)
42. After they move, some people keep doing the same kind of work,
while others change their jobs. When you moved, did you keep
doing the same kind of work or did you change jobs?
a. [ ] kept same work
b. [ ] changed jobs
c. [ ] not woking
If kept same, WHY?___________________________________
If changed jobs, WHY?________________________________
If not working, WHY? ________________________________
43. After you moved, did you got the kind of work you wanted or
intended to get?
a. [ ] yes
b. [ ] no
c. [ ] couldn't get work
If “yes,” WHY?_______________________________________
If “no,” WHY?________________________________________
If couldn't get work, WHY?___________________________
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44. Is there any kind of work you would like to do and feel you can
do well but are not doing?
a. [ ] no
b. [ ] yes: What kind of work?_____________________________
45. Why aren't you doing it?
46. Do you intend to keep your present job?
a. [ ] undecided
b. [ ] n/a: have no job, etc.
c. [ ] yes: FOR HOW LONG?____________
d. [ ] no: WHY NOT? ______________
47. If you were to look for another job, what other jobs do you
think you might be able to get?
________________________ __________________________
________________________ __________________________
________________________ __________________________
48. Many Newfoundlanders are unemployed, through no fault of their
own. While the Government is helping people to get jobs, there
is still much more that needs to be done. What do you think
the Government should do about unemployment?
49. Do you agree or disagree with the idea that the Government
should provide jobs for those who do not have a job?
a. [ ] agree
b. [ ] disagree
c. [ ] undecided
50. If the Government were to offer you the chance to train for any
kind of job you want, would you accept the offer and enroll, for
example, in a trades school?
a.[ ] no: WHY NOT?________________________________________
b. [ ]undecided
51. What kind of job would you train for?
a. [ ] job connected with fishing h. [ ] white collar job
b. [ ] job connected with farming i. [ ] teaching job
c. [ ] job connected with forestry j. [ ] other:
d. [ ] job connected with wildlife _______________
e. [ ] job connected with mining _______________
f. [ ] job connected with manufacture _______________
g. [ ] job connected with construction _______________
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Merchant-Client Relationship
52. How many merchants were there in (old community)?
a. [ ] none
b. [ ] one
c. [ ] two
e. [ ] more than three: ___________
(how many)
53. If there was a merchant in old community:
In (Old community), did you to business with one merchant more
than any other?
a. [ ] no
b. [ ] yes
c. [ ] n/a: respondent was the merchant
54. Was the person (or persons) you did most of your business with
in (old community)
a. [ ] a relative/relatives
b. [ ] a friend/friends
c. [ ] a stranger/strangers
d. [ ] other______________________________________________________
55. If "yes" was the answer in Question 53:
Do you still do business with that same merchant (or merchants)?
a. [ ] yes
b. [ ] no
Explain *__________________________________________________
*Query: is merchant a relative? Did he move to same
community? Presently deal in credit, cash, monthly
account. Settled old account?
56. Dealings with other than old merchant:
Where else do you take your business now.
A. Fishing and Fishing Supplies
a. [ ] n/a: not fishing
b. [ ] still doing all business with same merchant
c. [ ] do business with another merchant similar to old one
d. [ ] with local fish plant
e. [ ] with outside fish plant
f. [ ] other ______________________________________________________
57. Where do you make most of your purchases now?
B. Household Goods
a. [ ] still doing all business with same merchant
b. [ ] do business with small grocer
c. [ ] with supermarket
d. [ ] with mail order house
e. [ ] do business wilh another merchant similar to old one
f. [ ] other ______________________________________________________
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