Questionnaire Image Page 16 (79k) Questionnaire Image Page 17 (67k) Questionnaire Image Page 18 (76k) Questionnaire Image Page 19 (83k)
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Relatives and Friends
92. Relatives living in settlement at time moved:
a. [ ] hus. grandparents
b. [ ] wife's grandparents
c. [ ] hus. parents
d. [ ] wife's parents
e. [ ] hus. bro/sis
d. [ ] wife's bro/sis
e. [ ] any other relatives/hus.
f. [ ] any other relatives/wife
93. Relatives living in recipient community at time moved:
a. [ ] hus. grandparents
b. [ ] wife's grandparents
c. [ ] hus. parents
d. [ ] wife's parents
e. [ ] hus. bro/sis
f. [ ] wife's bro/sis
g. [ ] any other relatives/hus.
h. [ ] any other relatives/wife
94. Relatives who have moved into recipient community from old
community since respondent moved there:
a. [ ] hus. grandparents
b. [ ] wife's grandparents
c. [ ] hus. parents
d. [ ] wife's parents
e. [ ] hus. bro/sis
f. [ ] wife's bro/sis
g. [ ] any other relatives/hus.
h. [ ] any other relatives/wife
95. Relatives who have moved into recipient community from elsewhere
since respondent moved there:
From where: ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
a. [ ] hus. grandparents
b. [ ] wife's grandparents
c. [ ] hus. parents
d. [ ] wife's parents
e. [ ] hus. bro/s' s
f. [ ] wife's bro/sis
g. [ ] any other relatives/hus.
h. [ ] any other relatives/wife
96. If respondent moved again, from recipient community:
Relatives living in present community:
a. [ ] hus. grandparents
b. [ ] wife's grandparents
c. [ ] hus. parents
d. [ ] wife's parents
e. [ ] hus. bro/sis
f. [ ] wife's bro/sis
g. [ ] any other relatives/hus.
h. [ ] any other relatives/wife
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97. Did you have any close friends living in (recipient community)
before you moved there (here)?
a. [ ] no
b. [ ] yes: _________
98. Did you have any close friends in (Old community) who have
moved into (recipient community)?
a. [ ] no
b. [ ] yes: __________
99. Did any relatives, friends, or anyone else already living in
(recipient community) ask you to move there (here) before you
had decided to move?
a. [ ] no
b. [ ] yes: relatives
c. [ ] yes: friends
d. [ ] yes: both friends and relatives
e. [ ] n/a
100. When you first moved to (recipient community), did you find it
hard or not very hard to get to know people?
a. [ ] hard
b. [ ] not very hard
c. [ ] fairly easy
d. [ ] other: _____________________________________________________
101. Since you moved to (recipient community), have you made any
close friends?
a. [ ] no
b. [ ] yes
c. [ ] other: _____________________________________________________
102. If “yes”: Where or how did you meet them?
a. [ ] at work
b. [ ] at church
c. [ ] in neighborhood
d. [ ] through relatives
e. [ ] through other friends
f. [ ] in merchant's shop
g. [ ] at fish plant
h. [ ] through wife
i. [ ] through school (children)
j. [ ] other: ______________________________________________________
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General Information and Opinions
103. What is your religion?
a. [ ] Anglican
b. [ ] Pentecostal
c. [ ] Roman Catholic
d. [ ] Salvation Army
e. [ ] United Church
f. [ ] Other:____________________________
104. Did your religion have a clergyman or priest living in
(old community)?
a. [ ] yes
b. [ ] no
105. Does your religion have a clergyman or priest living in
(recipient community)?
a. [ ] yes
b. [ ] no
106. About how much money did you make last year (1965)?
a. [ ] over $15,000: $______________
b. [ ] $10,000 to $15,000
c. [ ] $8,000 to $10,000
d. [ ] $5,000 to $8,000 i. [ ] no answer
e. [ ] $3,000 to $5,000
f. [ ] $2,000 to $3,000
g. [ ] $1,000 to $2,000
h. [ ] under $1,000 $______________
107. If you had to live on money you have saved, without working at
all, how long could you get by?
a. [ ] less than a week
b. [ ] one to two weeks
c. [ ] up to a month
d. [ ] up to three months
e. [ ] up to six months
f. [ ] months to a year
g. [ ] six longer than a year:___________
(how long)
108. When you moved here (there), what did you find most difficult
about living in (recipient community)?
a. [ ] finding a job
b. [ ] finding a house
c. [ ] acquiring new friends
d. [ ] being alone
e. [ ] other: _______________________________________________________
Comment: _____________________________________________________
109. Do you still find this difficult?
a. [ ] yes
b. [ ] no
Comment: _____________________________________________________
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110. Has anyone in your household (family) had any training for a
job since you moved out of (old community)?
a. [ ] no
b. [ ] n/a (no one else in household)
c. [ ] yes:___________________ ______________________
___________________ ______________________
(member of family) (type of job training)
111. Now that you are no longer living in (old community), is there
anything that you miss anything about your life before you
moved that you would like to have back?
a. [ ] no
b. [ ] yes:_________________________________________________________
112. If you were to move again with the Government's help, would you
do anything differently? If so, what?
a. [ ] no
b. [ ] yes:_________________________________________________________
113. What advice would you give to someone like yourself who is
thinking about moving from a place like the one you left?
a. [ ] no
b. [ ] yes:_________________________________________________________
114. Introduction: Since you yourself have moved and know what it
means to leave your old settlement, your suggestions for
changing or improving the Government's program of centraliza-
tion are very important.
Is there anything that you would like to see the Government do
to make it easier for people to move and settle in a new place?
a. [ ] no
b. [ ] no opinion
c. [ ] yes: WHAT?__________________________________________________
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