Confidential Circular to all Welfare Officers, 1957

Circular Image (93k)

Department of Public Welfare


The Government has recently appointed a committee of Cabinet to review existing policy under which assistance is provided to persons, not necessarily destitute, who wish to move from small isolated communities where there is little chance of making a living to larger centres where there are more opportunities for work and better educational, medical and other facilities.

The Committee wishes to have as much information as possible regarding the number of communities which might be considered in any such programme of assistance. Under separate cover, I am sending a map which may be used to indicate the communities in your district which in your opinion should be considered in a programme of this kind.

In addition you should state briefly the means by which the people in each community earn their living and outline the reasons why you feel they should be moved and indicate as well the name of the larger centre to which they could be transferred. Apart altogether from the desirability of moving families from certain communities, the following factors should be taken into consideration:

1. The number of families involved (except in unusual circumstances, communities with more than one hundred people (twenty families), should not be included).

2. Whether or not all the families would be willing to move.

3. The religious affiliation of the inhabitants and the church and school facilities of the larger centre.

The attached form may be used in recording this additional information,

I am sure you will appreciate the necessity of an early reply.

Deputy Minister.

March 4, 1957.

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