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Crew List Index Search Results

Search results for Crew Lists in the Maritime History Archive
Types of Agreements and Accounts page provides an explanation for the codes referring to
the crew agreements held at the Maritime History Archive.

Official_No: 2795


Search results for Crew Lists in British Institutions
Clicking on the appropriate code will call up the name and address of the institution holding
the crew agreement. Please note that we do not have any information on the types of agreements
held at British institutions. Also note that the crew lists held at the Dorset History Centre (DO) and Liverpool City Libraries (LI) are also available online at Ancestry. The crew agreements held at the Portsmouth Museums and Records Service and Devon Record Office are also available online at CLIP.

N.B. Not all archives in the U.K. have provided us with a list of crew agreements in their collections. In particular, we do not have any list of agreements from the National Archives or the National Maritime Museum. Both institutions hold a considerable number of crew agreements. Please visit their web sites for more information.

Official_No: 2795


To place an order for copies of crew lists from the Maritime History Archive's collection, please visit our Researching Crew Agreements page.

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