RecID: | 3942 |
Mariner: | Ellis, Thomas |
Origin: | Salem |
Destination: | Jamaica |
Crew: | 4 |
Duration (mths): | 4.0 |
Year: | 1714 |
Wage (£Sterling): | 0.00 |
Home: | Salem |
Tonnage: | 25 |
Sources: | CO 5 848; CO 142 14; |
Notes: | Sloop Union of Salem, reg. in Bos. 1707, 25 tons with 4 men. Sailed on Dec 14 1714 and entered Jamaica on Jan 26, 1715. Cleared for the Bahamas carrying ballast on Feb 7, 1715 and returned to Salem via the Isles of May on May 1 1715. |