RecID: | 3969 |
Mariner: | Gardner, Habakkuk |
Age: | 43 |
Origin: | Salem |
Destination: | Oporto |
Crew: | 10 |
Duration (mths): | 0.0 |
Year: | 1716 |
Wage (£Sterling): | 0.00 |
Home: | Salem |
Tonnage: | 80 |
Sources: | CO 5 848; CO 33 15; |
Notes: | Ship Browne & Brailsford Galley of Salem, 80 tons with 10 men and 4 guns. Sailed on Aug 6 1716. From Oporto he must have sailed to Ireland for he entered Barbados from Ireland on Jan 29, 1717 and cleared for Boston on Apr 9, 1717. He entered Salem in late May, 1717. Voyage has two references in CO 5 848. |