RecID: | 4007 |
Mariner: | Green, John |
Age: | 20 |
Origin: | Salem |
Destination: | Barbados |
Crew: | 5 |
Duration (mths): | 0.0 |
Year: | 1715 |
Wage (£Sterling): | 0.00 |
Home: | Salem |
Tonnage: | 26 |
Sources: | CO 5 848; CO 33 15; |
Notes: | Sloop Beginning of Salem, 26 tons with 5 men. Sailed on Aug 30 1715. Entered Barbados on Oct 14, 1715 and cleared for the Leeward Islands with no dutiable goods on Oct 24, 1715. Returned from the Leeward Islands on Dec 19, 1715 and cleared for the Saltertudes on Jan 31, 1716 without any dutiable goods. Entered Salem from the Saltertudes in early May, 1716. There are two records for this voyage, one in the CO 5 848 files and the other in the CO 33 15 file. |