RecID: | 4283 |
Mariner: | Woodbridge, Benjamin |
Age: | 35 |
Origin: | Boston |
Destination: | Barbados |
Crew: | 6 |
Duration (mths): | 0.0 |
Year: | 1716 |
Wage (£Sterling): | 0.00 |
Home: | Boston |
Tonnage: | 30 |
Sources: | CO 5 848; CO 33 15; |
Notes: | Sloop Abigail of Boston, 30 tons with 6 men, Benj. Woodbridge, master. Entered Barbados on Oct 18, 1716 and cleared for South Carolina on Nov 9, 1716. (CO 5 848 and CO 33 15 may refer to two different voyages in 1716.). |