RecID: | 4304 |
Mariner: | Woodbury, Isaac |
Age: | 54 |
Origin: | Boston |
Destination: | Barbados |
Crew: | 5 |
Duration (mths): | 0.0 |
Year: | 1698 |
Wage (£Sterling): | 0.00 |
Home: | Boston |
Shipowner(s): | Woodbury, Isaac of Beverly, mariner; Foster, John of Boston, merchant; |
Tonnage: | 40 |
Sources: | CO 33 13; MA 7 122; |
Notes: | Entered Barbados on Aug 12, 1698; CO 33 13 stated vessel tonnage at 45 tons. Ketch Prudent Mary of Boston, 40 tons, Isaac Woodbury, master. |