RecID: | 465 |
Mariner: | Andrews, Nicholas |
Origin: | Salem |
Destination: | Barbados |
Duration (mths): | 0.0 |
Year: | 1702 |
Wage (£Sterling): | 0.00 |
Home: | Salem |
Tonnage: | 30 |
Sources: | Perley III 317; N.R. EIHC 41 390-1; CO 33 13; |
Notes: | Ketch Repair, Nicholas Andrews, master. Arrived in Salem on May 11. In June he protested against Benj. Gerrish, naval officer of Salem for refusing to give Andrews a clearing to continue onto Piscataqua to unload freight destined for there from Barbados. Entered Barbados on Dec 21, 1702 and cleared for Boston on Apr 12, 1703 carrying molasses sugar, cotton, rum, and molasses. Arrived in Salem on May 11, 1703. |