E.R. Rowsell Letter to R.L. Andrews, 1957

Letter Image (91k)

Department of Public Welfare

Cartwright, Labrador,
May 23rd, 1957.

Mr. R. L. Andrews,
Deputy Minister of Public Welfare,
Dept. of Public Welfare,
St. John's.

Dear Sir,
With reference to circular # 4 dated fifty seven the following information is submitted.

Twelve families at West Bay, thirty miles North of Cartwright, are considering moving, if not to Cartwright to some place nearby-maybe Paradise or North River. The twelve families are now living in shacks almost unfit for human habitation. Should these families move from West Bay they would return there each summer to fish. These families should be encouraged to move so as to give their children an opportunity to grow up as human beings should and have incentive enough to try and be independent, this is not true now.

Should the wood operation start at Paradise it is possible these people may move there, if not North River would offer better chances of earning a living than they now have.

Goose Cove five miles from Cartwright has eleven families. The School Chapel (Pentecostal) there has been sectioned and brought to Cartwright. Ten of the eleven families are not interested in moving to Cartwright, where they contend there is less chance of making a living and more difficulty in providing fuel, but under present circumstances with no school, they feel obliged to move to some place where their children can attend school.

All families concerned depend on fishing.

Yours truly,

E. R. Rowsell, W.O.

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