Cluett Letter - Page 12

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The doctor said it was an uncommon sore throat; but I should say it was next to diphtheria, however it has taken all the flesh off him & left him a mere skeleton. Poor man, nobody knows only himself what he has gone through; but we can imagine how he must have suffered when we looked at him. He is able to come downstairs now. In the morning he was to St. Jacques as smart as could be. In the evening he was taken like this, very suddenly.

Win has just brought in Joseph; but mother and he are gone out again.

I must put this up again and start getting ready for school, as it is just 2 o'clock by our time, and Children's Service is at 3 o'clock; but School between. We have our school painted pea green with dark red trimmings. The wide trimmings you know on the side, that was varnished before are now painted dark red. The windows white. The cupboards green panels with white facings. The porches are done to match the body. It seemed so strange at first, that I really thought it must be another school.

Mr. Chant is getting the Mission House white washed with Cherry Red facings. It doesn't look a bit like the same house.

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