Home Holdings and Collections Alphabet Fleet S.S. Clyde
S.S. Clyde
![S.S. Clyde](images/pf284_250.jpg)
(Image from the Capt. Harry Stone Collection, PF-284.250)
Year registered: #16 in 1900, St. John's, NL
Official number: 111148
Place constructed: Glasgow, Scotland
Year constructed: 1900
Builder: A. & J. Inglis
Owner: Reid Newfoundland Co.
Length: 155 ft.
Width: 25 ft.
Depth: 13 ft.
Gross tonnage: 439
Net tonnage: 342
Registered tonnage: 199
Disposal: In 1948 the S.S. Clyde was sold to Crosbie and Co. She was lost at Williamsport, White Bay, NL on December 17, 1951.
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